1. Login to get your code

Your code snippet will show here when you login. It will connect to your Forest Profile for live Tree Totals and Impact Stats.

1. Add this code to you website

window.addEventListener("load", function(){
	var [script, id, js] = ["script", "weplant-js", ""];
	var fjs = document.getElementsByTagName(script)[0];
	if (!document.getElementById(id)) {
		js = document.createElement(script);
		js.id = id;
		js.src = "https://widget.forestnation.com/widget.min.js";
		fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
	window.weplantLayer = window.weplantLayer || [];
	weplantLayer['uid'] = '#USERID#';
	weplantLayer['refid'] = '#REFID#';