jeffreyheinbach Forest posted new content
Oil on canvas, 2024, by Jeffrey Heinbach
Crann Bethadh/ᚉᚏᚐᚅᚅ ᚁᚓᚈᚆᚐᚇᚆ -
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jeffreyheinbach Forest posted new content
Oil on canvas, 2024, by Jeffrey Heinbach
Jeshua Forest planted
Thanks for attending Angeles Investors’ Q4 Summit & Awards Event. We are planting trees for YOU! They will sequester carbon and create sustainable livelihoods 🌳🌳🌳
Thanks for attending Angeles Investors’ Q4 Summit & Awards Event. We are planting trees for YOU! They will sequester carbon and create sustainable livelihoods 🌳🌳🌳
Jeshua Forest planted
Thanks for attending Angeles Investors’ Q4 Summit & Awards Event. We are planting trees for YOU! They will sequester carbon and create sustainable livelihoods 🌳🌳🌳
Thanks for attending Angeles Investors’ Q4 Summit & Awards Event. We are planting trees for YOU! They will sequester carbon and create sustainable livelihoods 🌳🌳🌳
I’m planting trees for YOU! They will sequester carbon and create sustainable livelihoods 🌳🌳🌳
I'm planting trees for YOU! They will sequester carbon and create sustainable livelihoods 🌳🌳🌳