• Profile picture of Ella17

    Ella17 earned the infographic quiz Regenerative Agriculture

    3 years, 3 months ago
    regenerative agriculture quiz
    Our current methods of farming deplete nutrients in the soil and contribute to climate change. Regenerative agriculture is a method of farming that would help reverse this trend, adding nutrients to the soil (and consequently our food) and capturing carbon emissions. Play this quiz to learn more about regenerative agriculture and earn points towards a SEED!
    What You’ll Learn about Regenerative Agriculture and Why it’s Important
    You’ll learn about the principles of regenerative agriculture, how it benefits the world, and what you can do to support regeneration! Take this quiz to learn more about the advantages of regenerative agriculture!
    Why We Love This Infographic
    This infographic explains regenerative agriculture and its benefits in a simple and clear way. We love how it supports conscientious purchases from local farmers and building strong communities! Take a look at this infographic, answer some questions, and earn points towards a SEED!
    Quiz gratitude:
    Thanks to New Hope Network and Organic India for this insightful infographic
    Big thanks to Ross Marotta for creating this quiz.
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