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    Ella17 earned the video quiz Weather vs Climate

    3 years, 3 months ago
    weather vs climate quiz
    Extreme weather can be hard to predict, but it’s becoming increasingly more common. Weather in general is hard to predict accurately. But climate and climate change can be predicted accurately and into the far future. These topics are more important than ever! So play this quiz to learn more about extreme weather and climate while earning points towards a SEED!
    What You’ll Learn and why it’s Important
    You’ll learn about the differences between weather and climate and how they relate to climate change. You’ll also learn about how climate change affects extreme weather, and why extreme weather is so hard to predict. Take this quiz to learn about the details of weather prediction and climate change!
    Why we love this video!
    This video explains clearly and simply the differences between weather and climate, while detailing how they are each measured and how they’re relevant to extreme weather. We love how it goes a little bit deeper than most videos do and explains the methods behind their measurements. Watch this video, answer some questions, and earn points towards a SEED!
    Quiz gratitude:
    Thanks to Ted-Ed for this richly detailed and thought-provoking video.
    Cover photo for this quiz was taken from Wikimedia Commons.
    Big thanks to Ross Marotta for creating this quiz.
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