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    Ella17 earned the video quiz Say No to Plastic Straws

    3 years, 3 months ago
    Do you remember the plastic straw outroar recently? Well, how much did you actually learn about them? Let’s see if you know these 5 important facts on plastic straws!
    What You’ll Learn and Why It Matters
    You’ll learn why it’s not good to use plastic straws, and how they harm our bodies as well as our environment. Why does this matter? Plastic straws cause more harm than good, and there are more and more alternatives! So, why would we stick with plastic straws? Watch the video and take the quiz to find out even more.
    Whose Message Is It?
    A great ForestNation thanks to Ocean Generation, a company dedicated to influencing the “generation of change,” for creating this video titled Say No to Plastic Straws.
    We Like This Because:
    Plastic straws are everywhere. Drinking pop on the go? Plastic straw! Sipping on a drink in a restaurant? Plastic straw! At a bar or cafe? Plastic straw! In fact, they have invaded our daily lives and are polluting our oceans and even our bodies. However, we’re so used to them that we don’t even notice how much it’s hurting us! So, what do we do now? Certain companies, like Ocean Generation, are stepping up to the plate and spreading the news that plastic straws harm Mother Earth and our bodies. Now, it’s up to us to spread the news even more, and start using reusable straws!
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