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    Ella17 earned the infographic quiz Biodiversity and Human Health

    3 years, 3 months ago
    Humans both affect and are affected by our natural environment, making the relationship we have with natural systems on our planet incredibly important.
    In this instance, we can see how biodiversity on Earth is directly related to human health and one of the reasons we must protect it!
    What you’ll learn about biodiversity and its effects on human health:
    We are so much more reliant on biodiversity than you might think: we rely on trees to suck up the carbon dioxide we produce, plants for medicines we use, healthy ecosystems to provide us with food to live and so much more.
    Failing to respect and protect biodiversity is one of the most harmful things humans are doing right now not only to the health of our planet, but to the health of each other and of ourselves. Needless to say, it’s important to educate ourselves about biodiversity and how we are linked to it.
    Why we love this infographic about biodiversity!
    This infographic gives a clear picture of the intricate way in which biodiversity affects everything from large-scale systems to individual health.
    It is comprehensive and well-made, demonstrating how biodiversity sits at the root of many complex systems. 
    Clearly, biodiversity must always be part of the conversation if we are to fight back against massive issues facing us like man-made climate change or the need for greater food and water security for billions across the globe.
    Quiz gratitude:
    Thanks to the Convention for Biological Diversity for creating this infographic about Biodiversity and Human Health.
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