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    Ella17 earned the video quiz Endangered Dragon’s Blood Trees

    3 years, 3 months ago
    Dragon's Blood Tree photo by Red Waddington
    Have you ever heard of the dragon’s blood tree? Well, we’ve never heard of it either, until we stumbled upon this video! Learn all about this mysterious tree, and what is threatening their survival.
    What You’ll Learn about Dragon’s Blood Trees
    You’ll learn all about the dragon’s blood tree, such as why they’re called “dragon’s blood,” where they grow, and what color their sap is! Most importantly, you’ll learn what is threatening their survival. Spoiler alert: it’s something that everyone can combat! Take the quiz and earn points towards a SEED to help the dragon’s blood trees!
    Why We Love this Video
    It’s times like these when we think, wow, Mother Earth is so fascinating! Who knew that there are such strangely beautiful trees? It’s also when we think, wow, our actions are really harming our planet. We here at ForestNation love how National Geographic broadens our knowledge of Earth, while also informing us of how we’re negatively impacting the world we inhabit. Take the quiz and earn points towards a SEED, to combat global warming!
    Quiz Gratitude
    Thanks to National Geographic for this informative video, Rodd Waddington for the cover photo and Hope Tsai for creating this quiz.
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