• Could it be possible trees can communicate with each other? Watch the video, find out, play the quiz, and earn points towards a SEED!
    Learn how trees communicate
    How can trees communicate with each other? What do they talk about? And why does it matter? Trees have developed a rather clever way to network and form communities, and now you’ll find o…

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  • These 5 deforestation facts shouldn’t shock you, but let’s find out if they will! Watch the video, play the quiz, and earn points towards a SEED to help fight deforestation!
    What You’ll Learn and Why It Matters:
    You’ll learn how long it will be before forests completely disappear (the time is coming faster than you think!) and which industr…

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  • Are you aware of the role of ozone in the climate of our planet? Watch the video, play the quiz, and earn points towards a SEED!
    What You’ll Learn and Why It Matters:
    The planet’s ecosystems have a carefully tuned balance. In this video, you’ll learn about the layer of ozone and how it helps keep not only the planet healthy but us humans as well.…

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  • This is trailer of a documentary film called ‘Living in the Future’s Past’ by Jeff Bridges. Watch the video, play the quiz, and earn points towards a SEED!
    What You’ll Learn and Why It Matters
    “In this beautifully photographed tour de force of original thinking, Academy Award winner, Jeff Bridges shares the screen with scientists, profound…

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  • Humans both affect and are affected by our natural environment, making the relationship we have with natural systems on our planet incredibly important.
    In this instance, we can see how biodiversity on Earth is directly related to human health and one of the reasons we must protect it!
    What you’ll learn about biodiversity and its effects on human…

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