• Watch the video, play the quiz, and earn points towards a SEED!
    What You’ll Learn and Why it matters
    Certain materials such as concrete and steel are cumbersome and create a large carbon footprint. So instead of using these materials, what if we used discarded plastic to make new houses?
    See how Conceptos Plasticos is taking this idea forward in…

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  • Profile picture of Ella17

    Ella17 earned the infographic quiz 4 Types of Forest

    Types of Forests
    We’ve all explored forests (or at least seen them on the TV!) but did you know that there are many unique types of forest which have different biological properties?
    This infographic tells you about four different types of forest we should all know about – you might even have one or more of them near where you live! Read the infographic, take the…

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  • If you haven’t learned this from all our other quizzes, forests are some of the most valuable ecological resources on our planet!
    While there are some people out there who don’t want us to believe we can gain global food security and protect forests at the same time, this infographic proves that this simply isn’t true! So, read the infographic,…

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  • Forest water Image from shutterstock
    In addition to playing a crucial role in slowing climate change, trees also help preserve and clean fresh water. They prevent erosion while filtering pollutants and sediment out of our lakes and rivers. Another reason to plant as many trees as we can! Play the quiz to earn points towards a SEED, and participate in reforesting the world!

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