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    afa11a earned the infographic quiz Eco-Home 101

    As we all spend more time at home than ever before, it is very important to learn about the easy eco-friendly changes we could all make to our habits and our homes themselves!Thinking about these changes can help both our wallets and the planet at the same time–it’s a win-win situation!
    What you’ll learn about eco-friendly homes:
    We all kno…

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  • acting green vs buying green quiz
    As global warming continues to accelerate, we need to both act green and buy green, if we want our individual behaviour to help save the planet.This infographic gives you an idea of small changes each of us can make that allow us to continue with our current consumption behaviour, compared to the reality of what we should be doing if we cannot, or…

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    gardening benefits quiz
    Not everyone has access to a garden – (and those who don’t should try to get into nature as much as possible!) – but if you are lucky enough to, there are so many benefits you can gain from spending time there.In fact, the UK’s Royal Horticultural Society has done scientific research that shows that the simple act of thinking about nature and s…

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  • zero waste living quiz
    You’ve most likely heard about it: someone has been living a zero-waste life for X years! How do they even do that? When we look around our homes, there’s just so many wasteful products–where should we start? Is it even possible? Learn the answers to all these questions and more!
    Wise Up About Zero Waste Living
    Most importantly, you’ll learn…

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