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    Ella17 earned the infographic quiz Grassland Facts

    grassland facts quiz
    Grasslands are often ignored when talking about ecosystems of the world, but they are vital! They can be found almost everywhere and are crucial to the health and biodiversity of the world. Unfortunately, grasslands are being threatened by global warming and human development. So now is a great time to learn some grassland facts! Play this quiz to…

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  • Cragivinian forest photo by Geoff Johnson on Flickr
    Have you heard of the Craigvinean forest in Scotland? Fair enough, neither had we! What do you think about the relationship between corporations, natural resources and sustainability? Perhaps this video can help shed some light on why these relationships do not always have to end badly…After watching this video, take the quiz to see how much you…

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  • global tree restoration potential
    What is the solution to climate change? Can trees actually capture carbon on a global scale? Do we have to engineer a whole new type of technology to combat the effects of global warming? What are restoration projects and photo interpretation? Did you know that over 1.6 billion hectares are available for forest restoration, right now? Find out…

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  • penguins quiz
    World Penguin Day happens on April 25th every year…but that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate these amazing birds all the time!
    It is sad to think that penguins are one of the animals most affected by man-made global warming.
    Increasing sea temperatures decrease the amount of food they can find in the ocean, and melting ice means some species of…

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  • tardigrade quiz
    Never heard of a ‘tardigrade’ before? Neither had we before we watched this video!These weird and wonderful creatures are not only strange-looking, but actually offer us loads of opportunities for important scientific discoveries…who would have thought it!
    What you’ll learn about tardigrades:
    You’ll learn all about the tardigrade, i…

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