• acting green vs buying green quiz
    As global warming continues to accelerate, we need to both act green and buy green, if we want our individual behaviour to help save the planet.This infographic gives you an idea of small changes each of us can make that allow us to continue with our current consumption behaviour, compared to the reality of what we should be doing if we cannot, or…

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  • life of a plastic bottle quiz
    Test out your knowledge on where plastic comes from and where it goes. Watch the YouTube video above, and get all five questions right to plant 1/3 of a tree!
    Wise Up About the Journey of Plastics
    Plastic is a ubiquitous part of our lives. It’s the packaging for our food; for our toiletries; for our appliances. It’s even in our clothes.Plastic can…

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  • Profile picture of Ella17

    Ella17 earned the infographic quiz Eco-Home 101

    As we all spend more time at home than ever before, it is very important to learn about the easy eco-friendly changes we could all make to our habits and our homes themselves!Thinking about these changes can help both our wallets and the planet at the same time–it’s a win-win situation!
    What you’ll learn about eco-friendly homes:
    We all kno…

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  • composting
    Right now in the world, one third of all food produced is wasted and chemical fertilizers are polluting the environment. Composting is a cheap and natural way to solve both of these problems. 
    At home, composting is an easy and natural way to enrich your soil, reduce your waste, improve your environmental impact, and save money! Play this quiz to…

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