Statement from Liz Greenwell, Initiator of Global Cooperation Day

Amongst a number of other works, I am the writer, designer, producer and director of No Chance to Paint the Canvas, the world’s first film about civil society on a global scale. The writer, producer, and overseer of my forthcoming film, Watering the Fields of Humanity – designed to be the greatest example of global cooperation ever committed to celluloid.

Bringing about a better world and society for all people, spreading global understanding and peace throughout the world; and championing the cause for civil society on a global scale; has been my life, my dream, my global vision, and my aim.

Today, I am reaching out to everyone, everywhere, wherever you are in the world, from the most remote parts of the world to the most populous nations; to help me achieve that, and to inspire you to make that global vision your aim too.

“Can we, all of us together, water the fields of humanity, and bring about a harvest so great that it will take the world to pick the fruit; a harvest that is civil society? I think we can.”
( Liz Greenwell, April 1994).

In January this year, 2013, my quote above was cited by a delegate at the Earth System Governance Tokyo Conference, at the United Nations University in Japan.

Social, Ethical, and Responsible Investing.

Global cooperation features strongly in my writings and works over the years.

Another example of that work, is two programmes I devised and entitled:

World Resource Analysis Point (WRAP).
World Major Disaster Rescue and Relief Center.( WMDRRC).

These are programmes that lend themselves to a very credible form of governance, and lead the way to significant change in how we view life, living, man and society, and how we treat each other and our environment.

I have written much on this subject, but the fact is we have two major assets, humanity and the world, our environment. It is our job and our responsibility to get the best for, and from, both.
Investing in those two major assets is the wisest investment decision the world of investment, governments, leaders and others in positions of trust, as well as investors in general, will ever make.
Humanity deserves it; it is a priority.

If we do not look after each other, we all suffer, but if we do look after each other we all benefit.

In the process of my ongoing work, the nature, purpose, philosophy and scope of it, I have introduced the world of investment to the merits of, and benefits to, humanity and the environment; of investing in those two entities, our greatest assets.

In doing so, I have led the way towards widespread social, ethical and responsible investing worldwide.

Through the integrity and merits of my work, investors and project managers around the world have been matched up, on a number of projects, pertaining to water supply, wastewater treatment, and various other infrastructural development, in developing countries in particular: Including earthquake recovery, as well as countries devastated by wars; in keeping with my writings and programmes WRAP and WMDRRC.

My son, Adam Greenwell, in his capacity as Executive Producer for my film, Watering the Fields of Humanity, is responsible for fund raising, promotions, and networking. And he is in touch with the various managers of the projects mentioned above, and the investors.

Social, ethical and responsible investing is one of the main aspects that make up my overall vision of Watering the Fields of Humanity worldwide.

Through the financing of those projects relating to social and environmental advancement, we are now beginning to see that aspect taking place.

And with it has come the implementation and extension of what I have worked so very hard for over so many years.

It also reflects that my overall vision of Watering the Fields of Humanity, and spreading global understanding and peace throughout the world, is fast becoming a movement to back, support and aim for.

Footage of the development of those projects, relating to social and environmental advancement, will be forwarded to me for selection and editing for inclusion alongside other elements that make up the film.

I have many plans for my film, Watering the Fields of Humanity.
Being a pioneer of new initiatives, and driven by a desire for originality and uniqueness, I apply that to all of my work.

In this case, Watering the Fields of Humanity, which I have termed in the broadest sense, is designed to be the greatest example of global cooperation ever committed to celluloid; and to spread global understanding and peace throughout the world in the telling of my story.
In the process, I want to entertain, educate, provoke thought and inspire. And through creative elements of special effects and artistic design, seek to delight and surprise you too.

Global Cooperation Day is to draw your attention to, and bring you into the film, as a stunning and historical example of all of us together; watering the fields of humanity, and creating that harvest so great, that it will take the world to pick the fruit.

Thank you very much.

Liz Greenwell
September 30th 2013.

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