Unlock your nurturing instincts


Unlock your nurturing instincts

One of the first steps towards making a positive impact on the planet is unlocking our nurturing instincts. Each of us possesses this capacity, although some may have silenced it more than others. Bringing that nurturing quality to the forefront of our consciousness can generate remarkably positive changes in ourselves, others, and the planet. One of the myriad ways to unlock those instincts is by growing and planting trees.

We know about the overwhelmingly positive effects that planting trees has on the environment. But what happens to us when we plant a tree? We kneel down, we slow down, and we share a personal moment with the planet. We become physically, emotionally, even spiritually linked to our source of life–Mother Earth. The process of tending to a tree–digging the soil and watering its roots–gives us the chance to revitalize our mother, after she has provided us with life for many, many years. We give back to her, we nurture her. Over the years, as we watch that tree grow from a sapling to a strong, sturdy tree, we reflect on our own lives, and our own growth. We remember those who nurtured us along the way, and our suppressed nurturing instincts are ignited.

Once those instincts waken, we see our connection to Mother Earth in a new way. We appreciate our interdependency to the planet, and to others. We realize a unique level of respect for ourselves, for our peers, and for nature. Protecting the planet begins with acknowledging those precious interconnections. Planting trees teaches us to nurture the planet and our fellow humans. It teaches us to invest in the source of everything–Mother Earth.

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  • Ships to USA and Canada.

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