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Cocoa: The Food of the Gods

Do you like chocolate? Made from Cocoa, it is one of the most known sweets in the entire world; its popularity is superlative. But do you know facts about the plant it comes from?

Wise Up about Cocoa

All chocolate comes from cocoa; a bitter product that may be nothing like the sweet chocolate candies. What is cocoa like? How many cocoa beans do factories need to make chocolate? Find out fun facts about cocoa. Understanding a product’s background can increase your enjoyment of them.

Why we like this infographic about Eco Living

We love this infographic because of the amazing facts presented by it and the beautiful presentation. As soon as you open this infographic you will be very impressed by the quality of the illustrations within. Read the various trivia it contains and learn amazing facts about cocoa.

Quiz Gratitude

Thanks to Rainforest Alliance for creating this infographic about Cocoa: The Food of the Gods.