- 22/04/2015I am planting to increase the amount of trees, flowers, and oxygen in our world. Two flowers may not seem…
- 22/04/2015Because i know how important it is when we do all we can to help the earth we live on.
- 22/04/2015im planting because i want to help our planet!
- 22/04/2015because my teacher is forcing me 2
- 22/04/2015to help the planet
- 22/04/2015cuz i can
- 22/04/2015I am planting because i want to help our world to be a better place for the next generation and…
- 22/04/2015I am planting because i want to be able to see a future as to the same as my next…
- 22/04/2015without our planet we are nothing, without oxygen we are gone people are gone all we know is extincted.
- 22/04/2015So i can breath air.