- 22/04/2015i am plantin because i think that nthere should be more plants and trees bescuse we use so much on…
- 22/04/2015im planting because earth day is a big deal. and climate change is the point of earth day and people…
- 22/04/2015It is our responsibility to give back to Mother Earth what we have wrongly taken to make sure that we…
- 22/04/2015because i love the earth
- 22/04/2015To save the earths population.
- 22/04/2015I am planting to increase fossil fuel as it is running out in the world. It takes millions of years…
- 22/04/2015Because today is earth day and we can make change.
- 22/04/2015to help the world from climate change
- 22/04/2015#SaveTheEarth #EarthDay
- 22/04/2015I am planting because we watched a very inspiring video called: Future Generations. It made me want to do something…