- 19/04/2015because the world has already lost too many trees, & I want to put some back, in an attempt to…
- 19/04/2015i am going to plant nz Kowhai and a walnut. The kowhai is to attract and nourish our native birds…
- 19/04/2015To keep the world beautiful and say, "Thank you Earth for loving and sustaining all of us"
- 19/04/2015It is true, we take most of the things and rarely think to give back, and not only to mother…
- 19/04/2015To give back the earth what we have from her.
- 19/04/2015To make the earth that more beautiful
- 19/04/2015I am planting them to give back to Mother Earth, Mother Nature and our Creator and future generations of shade…
- 19/04/2015I am planting because I believe that we need to give back to the earth. We only have one and…
- 19/04/2015To be part of a positive collective
- 19/04/2015To beautify my surroundings for my family and future generations.