- 12/04/2015My small contribution to the nature around my garden for the benefit it brings to us. Imagine if we all…
- 12/04/2015Only people caring can stop capitalism ruin our world
- 12/04/2015I plant because I love my home Earth!!
- 12/04/2015A gift for my son, and to save the world
- 12/04/2015Love nature and trees
- 12/04/2015Because I love trees AND they give us oxygen.
- 12/04/2015Because Bees and other insects desperately need our help, and we cannot survive without them.
- 12/04/2015To return an essential resource to Mother Earth
- 12/04/2015To plant a tree is to breathe life and hope back to the Earth.
- 12/04/2015To keep the environment. Safe and air clean