- 08/04/2015In loving memory of your mother and for the wellbeing of my daughters
- 08/04/2015I'm planting a Lilac tree. I took a cutting from my Grandmas old lilac tree after she passed and I…
- 08/04/2015Today I'm planting one tree in the memory of Jules mother and the other for Jules. Keep up the good…
- 08/04/2015In loving memory of my grandparents who loved gardening so much. To honor Julians mother as well.
- 08/04/2015Planting in Honor of my Mom who had a green thumb and loved planting.and Also planting for the environment ..
- 08/04/2015We are now facing with the global warming, in order to save our planet, plant a tree is an easily…
- 08/04/201515 Norway Spruce to help shade and purify
- 08/04/2015I am not rich but I know that planting and taking care of at least one tree is a start.…
- 08/04/2015To provide shade and reduce energy consumption
- 08/04/2015I am planting in honour of Julian Lennon's Birthday and in memory of his beautiful mother. I want to make…