- 10/09/2019to plant 3 trees in my garden and any free land
- 15/07/2019Have planted around 31 trees in last one month
- 15/07/201915 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take…
- 15/07/2019I shall plant more trees to make earth more greener
- 15/07/2019I pledge to plant a tree. A cinnamon tree.
- 16/06/2019The Philippines: Tree planting was held in Mansalay Oriental Mindoro, by Local Government BJMP, 300 Gmelina trees (paper trees) were…
- 08/06/2019Hi I need to plant more Neem trees in Australia for better air quality.
- 06/06/2019I will plant trees that aid and assist pollinators of all types as well as birds, insects and wildlife. Also…
- 28/05/2019I pledge to plant trees after a devastating cyclone wiped 50% of the trees in our area
- 16/05/2019No trees no birds.... No animal life. No human life. We are all connected so my pledge is to safe…