How Panasonic is Encouraging Partners to Grow Trees

How Panasonic is Encouraging Partners to Grow Trees

Panasonic TOUGHBOOK recently launched a new portal for partners, by sending them branded tree kits made by ForestNation. We’re planting matching trees in Tanzania for the 550 partners who received the kits. 33 of them have named their trees on ForestNation, further growing the Panasonic forest.

A Message full of Life

Most marketing teams use traditional channels like emails or letters for announcements. The Panasonic TOUGHBOOK team wanted to do something different. Something that stood out and made a deeper connection with their partners. That’s how they found out about ForestNation.

Panasonic TOUGHBOOK tree kits

We thought the chance to grow new trees alongside growing our business with our European channel partners was an irresistible opportunity. By using the new Panasonic TOUGHBOOK partner portal our specialist rugged notebook, tablet and handheld resellers, along with our Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), have the chance to boost their new business pipeline and secure valuable marketing and technical sales support whilst helping communities and the environment in Europe and Africa.” said Stefan Petterson, Panasonic TOUGHBOOK’s Channel Sales Manager for Europe.

How the Team Got Involved

Team members of Panasonic TOUGHBOOK are also growing trees, encouraging partners to register their trees. This ultimately leads to more buzz about the campaign and more goodwill for the company.

We’re seeing more engagement than ever for this campaign, thanks to these posts. Smiles and trees work like a charm in photos. 🙂 We also see lots of fun replies when people were asked to come up with tree names.


Tree Forest

How Panasonic is Encouraging Partners to Grow Trees
  • 585 fruit bearing trees Planted in Tanzania
  • 14.625 tons CO2 absorbed per year*
  • 58.5 tons of O2 created per year*
  • 23.4 hours of work per year for tree planting families
  • 0.585 hectares of land reforested

Tree Kits

How Panasonic is Encouraging Partners to Grow Trees
  • 550 people connected with nature
  • 550 home grown trees in the UK & Europe
  • 16 hours of work created
  • Fully compostable product hand made in Europe
  • Regional harvested tree seeds in each kit

Follow more updates on the Panasonic TOUGHBOOK ForestNation campaign page. #YouPlantWePlantPhotos and comments were pulled from Panasonic TOUGHBOOK’s official press releases here & here.

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