Philips Monitors Gift With Purchase

60,245 Trees
Philips monitors Forest

Who: One of the world’s leading monitor manufacturers.

What: Branded Gift Stories and Tree Kits.

How: Gift with every purchase. Planting trees to offset emissions.

Why: To promote their line of green monitors and engage customers.

philips monitors gift stories with galtec

“We are committed to supporting the fight against climate change – not only by developing greener technology but also by giving back and planting trees with every green monitor sold.”

~ Philips Monitors

Philips Monitors plants trees with every purchase of their green monitors. They’ve been growing the Philips Monitors Forest since 2020, making an impact with over 60,000 trees planted in Tanzania.

This project doesn’t just focus on reducing carbon footprints—it also provides essential jobs, income, and food security for local communities in Tanzania who are run the operations locally.

philips monitors forest impact

Tree Kits For Product Launch

To launch the initiative, Philips Monitors gifted new customers with branded Tree Kits to grow at home. Each Tree Kit planted 10 more trees in the Philips Monitors Forest. Customers contributed further by naming their trees and sharing pics of their trees.

Promoting The Initiative

Philips Monitors team has been active on social media promoting their initiative every chance they get.

They have also featured the Philips Monitors Forest in press releases, sustainability reports and landing pages throughout their network.

Gift Stories With Galtec

This year, Philips Monitors collaborated with their long-standing partner Galtec Solutions to tackle the carbon footprint generated by the use of their monitors.

As part of this initiative, Philips Monitors and Galtec used ForestNation Gift Stories—digital e-gifts that plant trees in honor of Galtec’s corporate customers.

galtec post

Each corporate customer who purchased a Philips Monitor through Galtec received an interactive digital Gift Story. These stories provided engaging details about the trees planted on their behalf, including positive environmental and social impact of their purchase.

By directly involving corporate customers in their sustainability efforts, Philips Monitors and Galtec created a sense of shared responsibility and commitment to the environment.

The Gift Stories served as a tangible reminder of the difference each purchase made, strengthening the connection between the brands and their environmentally conscious customers.

This collaborative campaign exemplifies how strategic partnerships can amplify sustainability initiatives. By working with their distributor Galtec and utilizing ForestNation’s platform, Philips Monitors extended the reach and impact of their reforestation efforts, engaging a wider audience in their mission to create a greener future.