
47,736 Trees
Salesforce Forest

Who: CRM software company that has pledged to plant 100 million trees by 2030.

What: Tree kits, eGifts and Quizzes

How: Events and online

Why: To engage their community with zero waste gifts

Salesforce booth 2019

“The business of business is improving the state of the world. We hope that by having zero-waste swag we will continue to improve the world. With two trees planted for every one seed we purchase, we are excited to see the difference the Salesforce Forest will make in Tanzania.”

~ Marc Benioff, Salesforce CEO

“Talk about amazing environment friendly swag! There is so much waste in all the conferences where popular swag is almost always made out of plastic. This was thoughtful and green! For every plant that is named, planted and registered one tree will be planted in a developing nation. #winwin And it is a special bonus for plant lovers like me!”

~ Rootuja, Salesforce tree kit recipient.

Event Giveaways 2019

OSCON is an annual conference for open source software development. Gracehopper is a yearly get together for women in computing. Salesforce tech teams take part in these events every year.

salesforce event tree kits

For the events in 2019, they brought Salesforce tree kits made by ForestNation to these events. 7000 nature loving techies picked up these trees to grow at home. And because we plant matching trees for each tree kit, we planted 7000 more trees in Tanzania. We planted 1 more tree for everyone who named their tree on ForestNation.

336 tree kit recipients engaged further to name their trees and post photos and messages. Here are some of our favorite tree posts from this campaign…

See all Tree posts here

Futureforce Quiz Challenge 2020

Every summer, Salesforce recruits university graduates for their Futureforce internship program. All interns receive paid time off to volunteer for good causes. The plan was to gift them tree kits to grow, but the pandemic hit, so we created a virtual challenge for the interns. For everyone who passed this challenge, we planted trees in the Salesforce forest. 7,700 trees were planted through this initiative.

Event Giveaways 2022

Events are back in 2022! Salesforce is giving away tree kits at their events this year. We are doing tree pouches so it’s easy to pack along with other sustainable gifts.

Forest eGifts 2022

Salesforce is sending out digital Forest gifts to partners who download content from the Dreamforce 2022 event. This is a unique way to engage leads and make an impact with them.

Customized Quizzes

Every summer, Salesforce recruits university graduates for their Futureforce internship program. All interns receive paid time off to volunteer for good causes. To make it more rewarding for the Class of 2020, we created a virtual challenge with quizzes about climate change and Salesforce’s sustainability programs. For everyone who passed this challenge, we planted trees in the Salesforce forest. 7,700 trees were planted through this initiative.

Futureforce challenge preview 2019