Tree gifting campaigns for new employees, sustainability, CSR, anniversaries, milestones, lead gen at events... You name it. Trees work for you!
You can send gifts to existing contacts, customers, partners, employees and new leads. Trees are perfect for both B2B and B2C campaigns.
You can give trees as gifts in your campaigns for call to actions (CTA), incentives, appreciation and reward. It's always going to be an amazing surprise for the person you gift.
With videos, voiceovers, gifs and images your storytelling has no limits! You can design your own Gift Stories or we can design everything for you!
Choose the amount of trees to give to someone. Sequester 1 ton of CO2 per tree. Wow them with the impact they will make.
We'll plant the trees in Tanzania to sequester carbon and create sustainable livelihoods. Our community engagement give you great stories and updates.
We track the trees and their impact in the profiles of both the sender and the receiver. Or just track the trees in your forest profile.
Email, messaging apps and QR codes and print. Bulk send, Webhooks, Quick Send or simple one by one when you want.
Growing our own trees at work reminds us everyday to think about our impact on the environment and how we can take steps to improve it. ForestNation helps to raise awareness about social responsibility and the positive effect it has on us as individuals.
At TD Bank, we are committed to making our world a healthier and greener for the next generation. While working with ForestNation, we were able to provide our customers with trees to plant at home, while supporting vital tree plantings around the world.
The MasterCard program with the tree kits was perfect. The message about social responsibility and eco consciousness was a strong tie into the credit union giving back to Earth. The promotion experienced a 15% sales lift in registrations, which exceeded their expectations.
ForestNation has been amazing to work with! We love checking in to see how many trees our recipients have planted and the overall environmental impact of doing so - it's also fun to see the pictures and names they give their trees! Swadesh is an incredible partner who is always thinking of new ways to work with Snappy and openminded when we come to him with ours 🙂 We love ForestNation!
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Click on the Gift icon on the top right, and a popup will show where you can see the Save as Template option.
Saved Templates can be accessed from the Your Gifts > My Templates section on your Dashboard.
If you have an active Wallet with us, then you can just send gifts by selecting the 'Add to Account' option and pay in bulk monthly or in batches. If you need to activate your Wallet, please get in touch with us from the Contact form above.
The recipient will receive an email with your Forest message and a link to view the gift.
The recipient can then click on the link to claim their Forest profile.
To see a real example, please get in touch with our team so we can send you some test gifts or add some credits to your account for testing how the gift looks like.