Tree Kit Cup Fully Branded

We make a new cup for your brand to give you ultimate branding experience and impact.

Tree Kit Pouch Label Branded

The flat pouch expands into a grow bag. Perfect for easy shipping and distribution. 

Tree Kit Cup Label Branded

Add your brand to our official ForestNation design for fast turn around times. 

Trusted by

ppai 793582

of consumers will buy a product because the company they’re supporting cares about a cause that’s relevant to them.


of employees are less likely to leave if they are actively engaged in giving and volunteering activities at work

Tree Kits to grow trees anywhere

For companies who want to be remembered everyday (they care for their trees).

Tree Kits are the messenger to communicate that you care for our planet and her people.

Unlike other gifts, this is a gift that creates lifetime engagement with your company.

How it works

Everything you need to grow your own tree from seed.

The tree sprouts in just 2-6 weeks and it’s a really fun activity to plant and see it grow.

Replant seedlings in a bigger pot and keep it on your desk or balcony. Or you can plant it in your garden.

You Plant We Plant - We plant matching trees to reforest Mother Earth and help create sustainable livelihoods for people that need it most.

Tree Posts to Boost Engagement

Recipients can name their trees, post photos, messages and updates.

They’ll be rewarded with 2 more trees planted when they post their trees.

More trees can be rewarded for the most creative tree names and photos.

Example Tree post

Why people love ForestNation

Talk about amazing environment friendly swag! There is so much waste in all the conferences where popular swag is almost always made out of plastic. This was thoughtful and green! For every plant that is named, planted and registered one tree will be planted in a developing nation. #winwin And it is a special bonus for #plantlovers like me! #walkthetalk

Tree gift recipient

With many Logitech employees working from home at present, the ForestNation platform and engagement tools are critical in achieving our goals to take action.

Ashlyn Stout
Employee Coordinator, Logitech

The MasterCard program with the Tree Kits was perfect. The message about social responsibility and eco-consciousness was a strong tie into the credit union giving back to Earth. The promotion experienced a 15% sales lift in registrations which exceeded their expectations.

David Poger
President, Promotional Consultants

What an awesome idea. I gave it to my 26 year old daughter as a gift and she is thrilled. She is all about saving our environment and plans to buy more of these to give as gifts. Thank you!!

K. Harris
Tree gift sender

Tree Kit FAQS