

We should care for and nurture Earth every day as it is our home and we are intrinsically inarguably connected to every part of it, but I am all for at least one day of as many people as possible around the world taking the time to do a little more. This Earth day I am going to finally stop eating meat to stop supporting the animal agriculture business that is destroying the Earth more than anything else we do!

United States-Kaitlyn-Williams

I want to give back because Mother Earth has given me, and us all, so much. I don’t want the efforts our planet has made for us to be in vein. I want to make a change we can all be proud of, one step at a time.

United States-Sheryl-Castles

I have been recycling for years as well as composting..i have planted trees…i have collected garbage and do that every spring on the roads in my town…in the past few years i have realized the value of repurposing things…not only is it good for the planet but such a personal reward for myself when i am done the project…a little bit of paint can go a long way and the computer opens up the whole world to others creative gifts…all of this is just now a way of life for me…

New Zealand-caroline-Haretuku

I believe in taking care of my mother…I respect her, love her and will always appreciate everything she has provided for me.. .without this act of gratidue she may not get well…we have a bond and I give thanks to know a billion more, will come together to pay our loving respects…LOVE YOU EARTH MOTHER PAPATUANUKU…Much Aroha sent from NEW ZEALAND….LAND OF THE LONG WHITE CLOUD…


I live in a town surrounded by woods, yet people here are so thoughtless when it comes to taking care of nature! Recycling is forgotten process. It’s a shame. We need to change that. I need to change that!


We have to take care & cherist our planet beacuse it is just a loan from future generations & we have a responsibility against them !!!


The earth has given me so much and just a word of ‘thank you’ is an understatement, I have done my part in small ways to give me the personal satisfaction and that I have acted upon what I believe in.


My pledge
Sensitize my immediate environment and beyond, on the importance of trees
and also campaign against deforestation.
Encouraging individuals and organizations to celebrate March 21st, the international day of forest, world wood day and world planting day with planting and nurturing of trees


With all sincerity I pledge my 100% to this WORTHY COURSE, as long as there is breath in my Lungs, and sight to behold a Creation like no other I will always stand in awe to acknowledge the features God gave Mother Earth, I’ll try to take little from Her and give Her much more. Hence, no matter how though times get, either close or near, I DAVID PHILIP will be loyal to You and to FOREST NATION.