Stop eating meat

United States-Toni-Anne-D’Amico

The earth is all we have in common. It is taken for granted as people lose touch with nature due to technological advances and having everything within reach. Materialism is now a part of life as people have evolved to think having more or something or having the “best” of something gives value to your life. It is only when natural disaster or something devastating occurs that people realize the significance of nature and our earth and how our daily lives effect it. We must teach the younger generations the true values of life. In school, you are taught history and geography but you truly don’t learn about the devastating truth of our planet and how we are destroying it one second at a time. The future must be more aware so that they can continue to enjoy life for what it’s truly worth.

United States-Lyn-Young

I want to give back because it is what my heart and head know to be the right thing to do. When a society takes so much and doesn’t give back it is a poor reflection on humanity!

United States-Sarah-Urffer

The earth is life, it created us and everything around us. Trillions of life forms doesnt even begin to cover it. How can you not want to give back to a world that does so much for us everyday, every minute! We are not the controlers of the world but we are the problem. We do not own this earth it owns us, and its pissed off about this relationship we had with it. We were literally given the world to love and with its abundance it loved us back we had a balanced relationship. But now with how greedy a large group of people are, the earth is lashing back at us. Im not stopping until change is here. Because its treat the earth with respect or lose it. And i dont know about you but i hurt deeply seeing the evil done to this beautiful planey. No good relationship comes from just taking, So why do it.

United Kingdom-Николина-Виктория

We only have one planet. If we keep using up its resources we’ll have nothing. I have given up animal products because of the suffering it causes them and the amount of CO2 emitted to sustain it. Also, by repurposing furniture and materials as well as recycling, not only am I giving something a lease of life, but I’m not contributing to deforestation and pollution which is detrimental to all life on Earth. I’ll be using candles tonight instead of electricity and reading instead of using any technology and screens to save energy. It’s time we give back for everything we’ve taken. Before our planet is a post apocalyptic nuked-out wasteland piled with skeletons fighting for the last drop of oil. Before all the water has evaporated. Before all our soil is sand, before all our air is suffocating and everything is toxic. Before race and gender no longer matter because we’ll all be dead.
That’s why I’m doing it.
And if you’re reading this, you should too.


She is our mother. We all are connected with her. It is ourl mission to support, care and love mother Gaia during these times. A great shift is underway and we are all part of it.
With love. Spread the world with unconditional love.