
Pledge Nº 233 - André Lumière
France - 04/12/2016

The ocean takes care of us. Now it’s our turn to return the favor. Many people are overwhelmed by all of the problems our ocean faces and wonder how they can protect our ocean and coastal plants, animals and habitats for the future. Fortunately, there are simple ways you make a difference every single day. There isn’t a person on Earth whose life isn’t impacted every single day by the ocean we share. And we won’t be able to reverse the disastrous trends we’ve seen in recent decades unless we all recognize what’s at stake. Small actions in our daily lives affect the health of the oceans that we love. Whether you live on the coast, or on a river that runs out to sea, we all depend on oceans for our survival and can help protect them by taking small but important actions every day.

No government, scientist, entrepreneur, or activist can do the job alone  —  it’s going to take all of us to save our ocean. So what are we waiting for? Let’s step up to our responsibility and get to work:
– Reduce, reuse, recycle;( especially plastic waste)
– Eat for healthy oceans (Go VEGAN)
– Carefully dispose of your cigarette butts
– Reduce your carbon footprint
– Keep toxins out of our oceans by keeping them out of your house
– Make a connection and share it
Research shows we take better care of nature if we connect with it more frequently. It also lowers stress levels and improves mood.
– Enjoy the ocean, minimize your impact

There are so many activities you can do to enjoy the ocean — surfing, swimming, scuba diving, beachcombing, sailing, paddleboarding, kayaking, fishing, powerboating. Enjoying the ocean is important, but activities need to be done responsibly to minimize your impact. Make sure to look up guidelines to doing your favourite sport responsibly.

FOR THE OCEANS ! #SEAShepherd Member