

Our beautiful plane Earth is hurting, yes trees could be planted to replace ones removed, but our waters, soil and air need purifying as well, I wanted to focus on these issues!


With all sincerity I pledge my 100% to this WORTHY COURSE, as long as there is breath in my Lungs, and sight to behold a Creation like no other I will always stand in awe to acknowledge the features God gave Mother Earth, I’ll try to take little from Her and give Her much more. Hence, no matter how though times get, either close or near, I DAVID PHILIP will be loyal to You and to FOREST NATION.


I am planting trees as part of an arid lands permaculture project with view to self sufficiency and micro-climate creation. In these unsettled and uncertain times creating our own lush green environment is one of the best ways of ensuring food and climate security into the future.


Trees are being cut down all the time. Our neighbours cut down a 100 year old gum tree and some other trees. We need to replace every tree cut down and plant more too…..


Omppu Tonttu Organic Farm has got so much from Mother Earth! Soil, trees, air, sun, bees, birds, worms….everything.


It is awesome to be part of something that will make a real difference to the planet, it may be just a tree or two from me and a tree or two from you but as a whole we have serious power to make change.

United States-Erica-Todd

The world needs a high light within itself. Every time i look there is another development being made and more trees being taken down, more trees need to be planted to keep everyone known that even if they will build new places we will still enjoy nature!


I am not sure why I want to give back.. the world can be such an annoying place.. but I have two beautiful children and some amazing humans around me that keep my faith flowing, and for those people I want to give back so that they are there loves can enjoy a world filled with beautiful, strong and air producing trees and plants… amen… xxxx


Mother Earth gives so much beauty everyday to all our Universe 🙂 she deserves to feel Love from all of us. We should stop.. reset and make a difference 🙂 I want to give back because it just feels so good 🙂


Mother Earth has endured enough! Lets love her and show her that we all care.The future is here now.Please do give back…Look at nature so beautiful. It’s our legacy to future generations.

United States–Sue–Koutras

In these calamitous days where we’ve done nothing but take take take as a species…..our mother earth is badly injured. The time has come not just to give back …but to put an end and curb our inhumane appetites, our greed and selfishness…our ill treatment of our fellow non human beings. It’s not enough I fear , but I always have hope and I believe in a loving Universe who cares for us.