ForestNation on ArtSees Diner Radio
I spoke with Mary E La Luna on Artsees Diner Radio today. It was a great pleasure to speak with Mary and to hear her enthusiasm and passion for making the world a beautiful place.
ArtSees Diner Radio is pleased to bring to the Blog Talk Radio community, CEO/Founder of ForestNATION, Andrew Pothecary.
ForestNation is a peaceful world, rich in resources and beauty for everyone. Growing your own tree will help you to connect with nature, and help us all connect with each other.Imagine if every person planted a tree and for every tree planted, an organization matched it? Well, that is what the Forest sized goal is of ForestNATION! Stand with Julian Lennon, and “Imagine ForestNation; Imagine a World where everyone grows their own Tree.”Julian Lennon ForestNation Ambassador
Andrew Pothecary founded ForestNation in September 2007. He has led the conception, creation, design and development of ForestNation, and is committed to encouraging everyone to grow their own tree. Andrew attended Kings College University in London where he studied Philosophy, and his greatest piece of advice came from Professor Mark Sainsbury; “whatever it is you do in life, make sure it has a purpose.”
Information about ArtSees Diner Radio
ArtSees Diner Radio. “the voice of,” ArtSees Diner is a “virtual” little Diner right in the heart of your own home. At ArtSees Diner you will find special guests in each booth We bring you artists, musicians, authors, dreamers, entrepreneurs, and thinkers. Right this way your table’s waiting! Stop in and see all the quality programming we have. New specials added daily! We are changing the world, One Song at a Time, One Heart at a Time! What ever you do, do not make “The Chef” wait! Find out how to become a guest of one of our shows email at [email protected]! Thank you for taking the time to “Follow” ArtSees Diner Radio.