Julian Lennon and ForestNation are recruiting companies

Julian Lennon Imagine ForestNation

Julian Lennon Signature ForestNation Ambassador




Julian Lennon ForestNation Ambassador

Julian Lennon and ForestNation are recruiting companies to encourage everyone to grow their own tree.

Corporate Social Responsibility is a crucial part of your company’s strategy. So getting your team and clients involved in your social responsibility will make lasting impressions on your best brand ambassadors. ForestNation offers an innovative solution to satisfy your promotional and marketing needs at trade shows, whilst respecting what your employees and clients want regarding your social responsibility.

According to the Talent Report: What Workers Want, by Net Impact, over 50% of workers and 65% of students said that “the potential to contribute to society” and “a job that will make the world a better place” is very important to them, with about one in four deeming this to be essential [1]. As far as what your clients want the Corporate Social Responsibility Perceptions survey reported that more than 75% of consumers say that it is important for companies to be socially responsible [2].

“ForestNation tree growing kits are a socially responsible way to meet your clients for the first time. It’s wonderful to be given a tree kit. They will remember your company for gifting it to them, everyday they care for their tree.” – Andrew Pothecary – ForestNation Ambassador.

ForestNation is endorsed by Julian Lennon and they are recruiting companies to encourage everyone to grow their own tree. This is something that your company can do easily by using ForestNation tree kits as your trade show promotional item.

As a trade-show promotional item and corporate gift ForestNation tree kits offer you a way to get positive reactions from clients and employees, and to make a positive impact on our planet:

  • Branded biodegradable tree growing kit.
  • You plant one we plant one: ForestNation plants a tree in a developing country for each tree kit you buy. You can even choose where they plant.
  • There’s a unique code inside each tree kit so recipients can register their tree in your campaign in ForestNation. Recipients can name their tree, post photos and share it online.
  • Ask recipients to “Promise to Plant” when you give them their tree kit by leaving their name and email. ForestNation provides a web form, landing page and customized email follow-ups as a new way to nurture your leads whilst encouraging them to grow their own trees. You can export your list and see detailed reports on the campaign.

Join Julian Lennon and ForestNation to encourage everyone to grow their own tree.

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Andrew Pothecary | [email protected]

UK: +44 (0) 203 239 0088 | USA: +1 262 423 7504


  1. Net Impact Talent Report: What worker want in 2012: http://netimpact.org/docs/publications- docs/NetImpact_WhatWorkersWant2012.pdf
  2. Corporate Social Responsibility Perceptions Survey:  http://www.burson- marsteller.com/Innovation_and_insights/blogs_and_podcasts/BM_Blog/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=170
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