Julian Lennon and ForestNation are recruiting schools

Julian Lennon Imagine ForestNation

Julian Lennon and ForestNation are recruiting schools to encourage everyone to grow their own tree.

Just imagine if schools and their students encourage their local communities to grow their own trees. There are over 145,000 schools in North America and 29,000 schools in the UK, totaling over 69 million students [1]. If just 10% of this number encouraged 5 people on average to grow their own tree that’s over 34 million trees. Now imagine that another tree gets planted in a developing country to match each of these trees. This would have a massive social and environmental impact around the world. This is the objective of ForestNation, which is now endorsed by Julian Lennon.

Julian Lennon Signature ForestNation Ambassador




Julian Lennon ForestNation Ambassador

“Caring for your tree represents the value of giving without expecting something in return.  It will help you connect with nature, and help us all connect with each other.” Andrew Pothecary ~ ForestNation Ambassador.

Your school can join this social responsibility initiative by using tree growing kits for education and also school fundraising.  Students will learn about caring for the environment and tree planting around the world.  ForestNation offers free lesson plans and activities for schools, all with a focus on social responsibility.  In addition to all the educational benefits, tree kits are a healthy alternative to traditional fundraising products.  Students will interact with your local community in a unique way, encouraging everyone to grow their own tree.

Schools can get started for free

ForestNation will tailor a campaign to suit their needs. Services for schools include free design of fundraising forms, flyers, posters and even a campaign webpage with online fundraising facilities.

ForestNation’s tree kits are designed to look like a little planet Earth and they are biodegradable. They contain tree seeds, a growing pot, pellet and an instruction booklet with a unique tree-code.

Truro Elementary School ForestNation

The unique tree-code has two uses:

  1. To personalise the student’s ForestNation certificate, signed by Julian Lennon.
  2. To register their tree online and add it to the map.  They can post photos, messages and share their growing experience with other ForestNation Citizens.  You’ll also be able to see where ForestNation plants the other tree in a developing country.

Join Julian Lennon and ForestNation to encourage everyone to grow their own tree.



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Andrew Pothecary | apothecary@forestnation.com

UK: +44 (0) 203 239 0088 or USA: +1 262 423 7504


  1. School and students numbers:
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