11 Simple Mindfulness Tips That Will Change Your Life

11 Simple Mindfulness Tips That Will Change Your Life

For all of us who have trouble maintaining productivity, mental health and work-life balance, the solution lies in practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness allows us to be more present in the moment and can help reduce stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions.

We’re so grateful to be friends with Christina Arabolis, Founder of The Master Shift. She’s a powerful voice for the mindfulness movement and she’s graciously shared her advice on practicing mindfulness.

See all her tips in this first ForestNation Talks series here.

What Is The Master Shift?

It’s an inner shift from fear to love that each person on this planet is here to undertake. Our business approach is to guide that transformation.

What Is Your Dream For Master Shift?

To assist people in learning about Universal Laws and learning about themselves to create a more peaceful and harmonious world.

11 Simple Mindfulness Tips That Will Change Your Life

How Can I Get Started With Mindfulness?

To get started with mindfulness, become aware of your breath. Follow your breath going in and out. This will clear your mind.

Can Meditation Help Me To Be More Productive?

Yes, meditation quiets your mind so you can listen to the divine voice within you.

What Can I Do Other Than Meditation To Revive My Mind?

One of the best ways to quiet your mind and calm your center is be with nature. Walking amongst trees and just watching the beauty around you will allow the chaos of modern life to take a back seat for a while.

11 Simple Mindfulness Tips That Will Change Your Life

How Can I Be More Mindful Working From Home?

By taking a break from what you are doing to just breath or look out the window and appreciate and have gratitude for all your blessings.

How Do You Maintain Mindfulness While Using A Computer?

It’s not healthy to have our eyes fixated on a computer screen for hours on end. Remember to lift your eyes off the screen and close them every hour or so to ground yourself and just breath.

What Are Some Ways To Emotionally Shut Off From Work?

Meditation is one of the best things you can do to shut off from work. You can meditate the traditional way by closing your eyes and shutting off your mind or you can take a long walk-in nature and keep your mind present.

11 Simple Mindfulness Tips That Will Change Your Life

What Is The Best Way To Destress With Nature?

One of the best ways to destress with nature is to sit along a body of water and just listen to the wonderful sounds.

How Can Mindfulness Help Bring A Sense Of Urgency To Save Our Planet?

Everything vibrates. When groups of people clear their minds and just relax, it sends out energy waves that affect us all in a positive way.

How Does Planting Trees Help With Mental Health?

Planting trees is a wonderful thing to do to feel connected with nature and our world. If everyone would plant a tree, we would feel connected to our earth and each other.

11 Simple Mindfulness Tips That Will Change Your Life

Over To You

Hope this uplifts you on your journey to become more conscious of all the amazing things you can do 🙂

If you have any questions for Christina, please ask in the comments and we’ll get them answered for you. All the best!

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