Sustainability During the Holidays and Year-Round

It’s never too late to introduce sustainable practices into your life. Living green could be one of your New Year’s Resolutions, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start early. No matter where you are currently on your sustainability journey these tips can help you during this holiday season, and in the long run.

reduce waste

Reduce Waste

To be more sustainable you should work to reduce your waste, which can be easily achieved with a bit of planning ahead. By reducing food waste when hosting your holiday dinners, you can make a big difference. Did you know 40% of food is wasted in the United States each year? To prevent food waste, ensure you get a proper headcount for your dinners and events to ensure you are not overproducing food that will be thrown away. Additionally, reach out to shelters in your area that accept donations. Many take food donations from holiday dinners to distribute to those in need.

Some other ways to reduce waste are to not use single-use items. When wrapping gifts, opt for paper bags which can be reused. If you must use wrapping paper, make sure you purchase paper that is recyclable in your area. To further avoid unnecessary waste, don’t use disposable plates, napkins, or dishware. Washing dishes after a big gathering may be a big chore, but it will keep non-recyclable plastic and paper utensils from entering the landfill or oceans. What’s great about these changes, is you can implement them year round to reduce waste.

gifts with purpose

Gift Purposefully

Having intention behind your gifting this holiday season can have a great sustainable impact. Do you have someone in your life who has everything they need and want? Or someone impossible to shop for? You might consider donating in their honor to a charity or cause they care deeply about. This will keep them from receiving a gift they won’t use that could end up thrown away. Consider homemade gifts, or shopping exclusively local, to have a smaller footprint than shopping from big stores. Homemade gifts especially show the love you have for the person you are giving it to.

For family and friends who are new homeowners, give them a Christmas tree present. These tree kits are a kind gesture and an alternative to traditional cards. They can plant the tree in their yard and watch as it grows over the years. With this gift, we plant 10 trees in a developing country, so your sustainable gift has a global impact.


Make Permanent Improvements

If home renovations were already in your plans for the new year, consider expanding them to include some green choices. Making your home sustainable not only adds value to your home, but by making these quality upgrades, they will last for years to come. You may consider taking out a loan to do all your desired renovations at one time. A home equity loan can be a great option, as it uses the equity of your home for collateral and gives you a lump sum payment that’s tax-deductible when used for home improvements. This way you will have the funds you need to make the best quality improvements that will permanently bring sustainability to your life at home.

Some ideas you may want to consider are investing in a good quality composter for your home. Composting helps keep scraps out of landfills, and takes little cost and effort after purchasing. It also produces high quality fertilizer, which you can use to grow a garden in your backyard. Gardens take a lot of time and dedication, but are good for the earth, and supply you with clean produce without a trip to the supermarket. Another option is to install smart home systems that work to reduce your energy consumption. Smart thermostats can be controlled by your phone to reduce heating costs and overuse, smart lighting saves energy, and some have security features that can give you peace of mind when away from home.


No matter how small the action, any choice for sustainability makes a difference. Even snagging a couple of tree kits for yourself to improve the air quality surrounding your home can make a huge difference. All of these ideas will increase the sustainability of your home and life during the busy holiday season and well beyond the New Year.

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Business Gifts
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What Kind of Tree Gift Would You Like to Send?

Option 1:
upcoming special ocassions and gift giving holidays

Gift Stories (Instant Digital Gift)

Send a tree gift instantly with a personal message.

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  • Your 1st Tree Gift is On Us – Try It for Free!
Option 2:

Tree Kits (Physical Tree Growing Kit)

Mail a tree-growing kit to someone special

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  • Handmade in USA
  • Ships to USA and Canada.

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