TEDxHappily Plants 10,000 Trees to Reforest Tanzania

happily forestnation forest

The largest community of independent and virtual event organizers will gather at TEDxHappily this weekend, moving forward on a mission to achieve zero emissions by 2030. ForestNation is delighted to be a part of this initiative by planting 10,000 trees to begin the Happily forest in Tanzania.This forest will capture carbon to help reverse the negative effects of climate change and provide food security developing sustainable livelihoods for communities diversely affected by deforestation.Happily has a goal to plant 100,000 trees with ForestNation by the 11th of November this year. They’ll do this by encouraging their community and audience to plant in their forest.

We’re going to integrate tree planting in lots of different ways and in points within our production chain for our virtual and future live events.

Sarah Shewey, Founder of Happily

TEDxHappily ForestNation impact

Setting an Example for Sustainable Events

Happily is a network of over 50,000 event producers, technologists and creatives who produce world-class virtual and live events. Founded by Sarah Shewey, one of the first operators of TED Talks, they help create successful events and experiences.TEDxHappily is how the Happily community is participating in the Countdown initiative by TED, which has set a goal of zero emissions by 2030. This is key for all industries. With businesses designed to function with sustainability in mind, we will prevent the damage currently being done to our planet.

The state of our planet is one where we need urgent action now to get in control of climate change. It’s an ambitious goal that TED has put out with Countdown, because it’s 20 years ahead of the Paris Agreement goals. It’s pretty exciting to see individuals and businesses from the community to step up and say that we need to do more now!” ~ Sarah Shewey, Founder of Happily.

Sarah Shewey, Founder of Happily

ForestNation has been championing this movement, working with corporations to go green. So it’s only natural that we team up with Happily to encourage both event organizers and audiences to plant trees.

We cannot achieve global change without businesses realizing that they have another option. They don’t have to keep going down the same treadmill. People want change now, and if businesses are not part of that change, then they’ll be left behind. So we create tools that allow businesses to connect with eco conscious audiences, to be a part of the change.

Andrew Frankland, Operations Head at ForestNation

Andrew will be talking more about this at TEDxHappily, joining an impressive lineup of speakers. Participate in the event and tune in at 7.40 am PST on Saturday, October 10th.And visit the Happily forest to learn more and see how you can get involved.

TEDxHappily Countdown 2020

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