White Elephant Gift Exchange Game Ideas With a Green Twist

white elephant gift exchange ideas green twist

White Elephant has become one of the most popular choices for office parties. It’s a fun and entertaining gift exchange game that encourages creativity, friendly competition, and team bonding.

Let’s dive into what makes it so enjoyable, how it compares to other popular gift exchange games, and some creative twists you can add to make it even more engaging and meaningful.

Official White Elephant Gift Exchange Rules

Alright, so let’s break down how White Elephant actually works. The basic idea is that everyone brings a wrapped gift and then takes turns selecting and “stealing” gifts from each other. It starts with all the participants drawing numbers to determine the order of play.

The first person picks a gift from the pile and opens it for everyone to see. The next player then has a choice: they can either “steal” that first gift or select a new wrapped one from the pile. If they steal the gift, the person who had it gets to pick a new one. Then the turn passes to the next player, and so on.

A few key things make White Elephant unique and entertaining:

  • The surprise factor: Not knowing what’s inside each wrapped gift adds anticipation and excitement.
  • The strategy: Deciding whether to “steal” a popular gift or take a chance on a new one involves some playful risk-taking.
  • The silly gifts: White Elephant is known for funny, creative, and sometimes wacky gift ideas (more on that later!)

It’s the combination of these elements – suspense, strategy, and silliness – that makes White Elephant such a hit. It gets people interacting, laughing, and bonding over the shared experience. Plus, it’s just plain fun to see what crazy gifts people come up with!

How Does White Elephant Compare to Other Gift Exchange Games?

Now, White Elephant isn’t the only gift exchange game in town. You’ve probably heard of some other popular ones like Secret Santa or Yankee Swap.

So how do they stack up? Let’s take a quick look:

Secret Santa

In this classic game, participants are secretly assigned a person to buy a gift for, rather than bringing a generic gift for anyone. It’s a bit more personalized than White Elephant.

Yankee Swap

This one is very similar to White Elephant, with the main difference being that gifts are typically swapped or traded rather than “stolen.”

Dice Exchange

A fun variation where players roll dice to determine their gift fate – whether they get to open a new one, steal someone else’s, or are forced to swap.

Musical Gifts

Like musical chairs, gifts are passed around to music and when it stops, players keep the gift they’re holding. A fun, fast-paced twist!

Gift Auction

In this version, participants bid on wrapped gifts using points or play money. The mystery factor can lead to some fierce competition!

Which One To Choose?

It depends on your team dynamics and what kind of vibe you’re going for. If you have a lot of newer employees who don’t know each other well yet, something like Secret Santa that pairs people up can be a nice ice breaker. And games like Musical Gifts or the Dice Exchange can be good if you want something quick and high-energy.

But for an activity that’s easy to organize and reliably entertaining, White Elephant is hard to beat. It creates this shared experience that gets everyone laughing and interacting, without putting people too much on the spot. And the “stealing” aspect is always a hit – there’s just something about that playful competition that really brings out people’s personalities!

holiday party gift exchange meme

Are These Gift Exchanges Popular Among Employees?

Okay, so we know gift exchanges are popular – but are they actually enjoyable for the people participating? Turns out, it’s a bit of a mixed bag. 

There are definitely some big positives:

  • Team bonding: White Elephant can be fantastic for bringing colleagues together and creating shared memories. It’s a chance to let loose and see people’s fun sides!
  • Interaction: The game format encourages people to engage with each other, react to the gifts, and just generally be social in a lighthearted way.
  • Getting to know each other: Funny or creative gifts can be great conversation starters and provide glimpses into people’s personalities and interests.

At the same time, there are some potential downsides to watch out for:

  • Pressure to participate: Some people may feel obligated to join in, even if gift-giving games aren’t their thing. It’s important to make it feel optional.
  • Awkward situations: There’s always a risk of someone bringing something inappropriate. Having clear guidelines can help.
  • Hurt feelings: While lots of people enjoy the stealing aspect, for some it can feel overwhelming or put them on the spot in an uncomfortable way.

From an HR perspective, there are a few key things about making gift exchanges successful:

  1. Set expectations: Communicate the price range and any no-go zones for gifts (like alcohol or risqué items). Make the rules crystal clear.
  2. Make it inclusive: Ensure everyone feels welcome to participate, but also make it easy to opt out gracefully if it’s not their jam.
  3. Have a backup plan: Bring a few extra generic gifts in case someone forgets or a gift goes missing. Trust me, it happens!

The main thing is to keep the focus on the fun and socializing, not the gifts themselves. Emphasize that it’s about the shared laughter and memories, not outdoing each other with presents. And if you notice anyone looking uncomfortable, give them an out or a role like officiating the stealing so they can participate without the spotlight.

Overall, when done right, gift exchanges can be a great way to spread some holiday cheer and bring the team together. Just plan ahead, communicate the guidelines, and be ready to roll with the unpredictable moments – because there will definitely be some!

Why The Best White Elephant Gift Ideas Are Funny And Impractical?

One of the things that makes White Elephant so entertaining is the silly, creative, and often impractical gifts that show up. People really embrace the opportunity to think outside the gift box! The weirder the gift, the more laughs it often generates.

Here are some hilarious White Elephant gift ideas:

  • A box cutter wrapped inside 10 small boxes.
  • An ugly Christmas sweater featuring a cat wearing a Santa hat
  • A “Burrito Blanket” that makes you look like a wrapped up burrito

The best funny gifts are often things that are just on the edge of usefulness – like, you probably won’t use them every day, but they’re not totally pointless either. They make people laugh, but they also show some creativity and thought.

Thank Ewe funny tree kit for gift exchanges

🎁 A funny Tree Kit on our gift shop >

The appeal of these sorts of gifts is that they break the mold of typical presents. They’re unexpected, irreverent, and just plain entertaining. Plus, they take the pressure off having to find something “perfect” or super meaningful. With White Elephant, the goal is more about bringing something that will get a reaction and maybe even be fought over!

Of course, it’s important to know your audience. A gag gift that might be a hit with one crowd could fall flat with another. And you definitely want to steer clear of anything too offensive or personal. But in general, embracing the silly and impractical is a big part of what makes White Elephant exchanges so much fun.

So if you’re struggling to come up with a gift idea, consider something that will make people laugh, raise eyebrows, or just say “wow, I can’t believe this exists.” Thrift stores, novelty shops, and of course the internet are great sources for those sorts of quirky finds. And don’t be afraid to get creative with your wrapping too – a misleading package can add to the surprise factor!

At the end of the day, the best White Elephant gifts are ones that reflect the festive, playful spirit of the game. They may not be things people use every day, but they’ll definitely be remembered for the laughter and reactions they generate. And isn’t that really what it’s all about?

Adding a Green Twist To Your Gift Exchanges

What if you want to take it a step further and make sustainability a big part of the whole event? We’ve got a couple of ideas that could be really cool.

Planting Trees With Every Steal

What if your company pledged to plant a tree for every gift that gets exchanged? So let’s say you have 200 people participating – that would mean 2000 new trees getting planted as a result of your White Elephant party. How awesome is that?

It adds a whole new layer of meaning and impact to the gift exchange. It’s like every silly or quirky gift is also contributing to something bigger and more long-lasting. And it’s a great way for the company to show its commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

You could even make a big reveal at the end of the exchange, like “Surprise! We’ve tracked the number of steals and swaps, and we’ll be planting [X] trees based on tonight’s festivities!” It could be a really fun and feel-good moment to wrap up the party.

Tree Kits Swap

Another idea is to use Tree Kits as the actual exchange gifts. So every person would be gifting and receiving a tree kit, and then the company could pledge to match those with additional tree plantings.

gift exchange tree naming activity example

You could have people give fun names to their trees and swap with teammates. So you might end up with a “Spruce Willis” or a “Dua Leafa” 🙂

This could be a really cool way to blend the traditional White Elephant experience with a more sustainable and purposeful twist.

Now, I know this approach might not be for everyone. Some people really look forward to the funny gag gifts and the silly stealing. And that’s totally valid! The last thing you want is for people to feel like their gift exchange has been hijacked by some corporate agenda.

But if you think your team would be open to it, framing it as an optional twist or an additional element could be a great way to introduce the idea. You could say something like, “This year, we thought it could be fun to add a sustainable angle to our White Elephant – so in addition to the regular gifts, we’ll also be doing a special tree kit exchange and planting. Join in if you’d like.”

The key is to make it feel inclusive and flexible. Provide the option, but don’t force it. And make sure to keep the focus on the fun, bonding, and shared experience – because that’s really what these gift exchanges are all about.

Wrapping Up

Whew, we’ve covered a lot of ground in this deep dive into White Elephant gift exchanges! From the basic rules to the debate over funny vs. practical gifts to some ideas for adding a sustainable twist, there’s a lot to consider when planning one of these events.

But at the end of the day, I think the most important thing is to approach it with a spirit of fun, flexibility, and inclusivity. Whether you go for the classic format with gag gifts galore, or try out a new eco-friendly angle, the real magic of White Elephant is in the laughter, the surprises, and the bonding it creates among colleagues.

So as you’re planning your next office holiday celebration, consider giving White Elephant a try. It might just become your new favorite tradition! And if you do decide to incorporate a sustainable element like tree planting, know that you’re not just spreading holiday cheer – you’re also making a positive impact on the planet.

Happy gifting, and may your White Elephant exchange be filled with laughter, friendly competition, and maybe even a few new trees! ‘Tis the season, after all.


While gift cards are practical, they may not be the best fit for a white elephant exchange. The goal is to bring a unique, funny, or surprising gift that creates laughter and enjoyment during the unwrapping and stealing process. Gift cards can be seen as boring or impersonal in this context.

The ideal price range for a white elephant gift is typically around $25. This allows for a decent quality gift that’s still unique, funny, or practical without putting too much financial pressure on participants. Aim for items like quirky kitchen gadgets, amusing books, or cozy socks with silly patterns that fit within this budget.

To make your gift stand out, choose items that are conversation starters, have an element of surprise, or encourage interaction. Funny packaging, like a small gift in a huge box or a misleading label, can also make a big impact. Aim for something that will get a reaction and maybe even be stolen a few times!

Handmade gifts can be a great option for a white elephant exchange, especially if they showcase your unique skills or sense of humor. For example, a talented artist could create a funny caricature, while a skilled woodworker could make a unique desk accessory or game. Keep the vibe lighthearted and not too personal, focusing on making people laugh. With a little creativity, a handmade gift can be a real game-changer!

When choosing a gift for coworkers, keep it professional yet playful. Consider funny office supplies, stress-relief items, humorous industry-related books, quirky desk decor, or unusual snacks. Avoid anything too personal, political, or potentially offensive. The goal is to amuse and entertain without crossing any lines.

When choosing a gift for coworkers, keep it professional yet playful. Consider funny office supplies, stress-relief items, humorous industry-related books, quirky desk decor, or unusual snacks. Avoid anything too personal, political, or potentially offensive. The goal is to amuse and entertain without crossing any lines.

Consider gifting a compact, reusable travel kit that includes items like a collapsible water bottle, bamboo utensils, and a cloth shopping bag. These eco-friendly gadgets will come in handy for the recipient and won’t bore them on their next adventure.

A high-quality, multi-functional solar-powered charger is perfect for this. It’s useful for charging phones and other devices, environmentally friendly, and sure to amaze participants, making it a hot item that everyone will want to steal.

Choose items that are both eco-friendly and fun or quirky. For instance, a solar-powered dancing plant or a recycled plastic outdoor speaker. These gifts combine sustainability with entertainment, ensuring they won’t be seen as dull unwanted items.

Certainly! A bamboo wireless charging pad, a recycled glass wine tumbler set, or a cork yoga block are all gender-neutral options. These gifts are not only eco-friendly but also widely appealing, making them perfect for a diverse group of participants.

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