Earth Day Media Pack

Earth Day Tree Planting media pack

You are free to use and redistribute the images and text on this page. Please help us to communicate the Earth Day Tree Planting event. Your feedback and contributions are welcome. Contact us.


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Short texts

“It’s an old Native American tradition that when you take something from the Earth you must put something back. Earth Day 2015 will be a global Give back to Earth event, as an offering for all that the planet gives us.”

Pledge to plant

Imagine one billion people around the world planting on the exact same day, April 22, 2015. We would create a ForestNation.

Pledge to plant

Longer text


Be a part of the biggest grass-root effort in history by planting a seed/tree as a “give back” to Earth. It’s an old Native American tradition that when you take something from the Earth, you must put something back. Earth Day 2015 will be a global “give back to Earth” event, as an “offering” for all the planet gives us. Our goal is to plant one billion seeds/trees. Please plant something that is organic, perennial and suitable to the growing conditions in your area. If the temperature is not conducive to planting on April 22nd, please start growing a plant indoors or commit to planting your tree once the outdoor temperature is warm enough. If you live in an apartment, please plant something in a container or donate a tree to a garden in your area.

It is important to keep a certain portion of the planet covered with forests as it is essential for regulating the distribution of rain and snow over the surface, thus, controlling the climate. Every tree planted will assist in stabilizing the climate.

Pledge to plant

Tweets, Facebook posts etc.

  • #PledgetoPlant for #EarthDay. Tell the world why you’ll plant #ImagineForestNation
  • I’m planting for #earthday global Give back to Earth event. #pledgetoplant.
  • Imagine one billion people around the world planting on the exact same day. #imagineforestnation #pledgetoplant.

Hashtags to consider using:

#pledgetoplant, #earthday, #1billiontrees, #imagineforestnation, #mastershift
