
Jeshua Cardenas
October 4, 2023
Our Tree Planting Initiative in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is grappling with deep-seated issues of land degradation caused by decades of unsustainable land-use practices and mounting demographic pressures. Such severe degradation of arable land leads to dwindling agricultural output and bare subsistence for livestock. Consequently, the attempts of the local population to compensate for this loss further worsen the land conditions, setting off a relentless cycle of poverty.

Underlying Causes of Land Degradation

Breaking this vicious cycle of poverty calls for an understanding of its multi-fold causes. Notably, socio-economic aspects, such as burgeoning population growth and associated deforestation, overgrazing, and agricultural expansion play a huge part. Natural factors, including topography, soil quality, and precipitation intensity, also play a role. Add to this, institutional inefficiencies like poor coordination and capacity crunch and political factors contribute to the complexity of the situation.

Synergistic Effect and Impact

The cumulative effect of these issues increases soil degradation exponentially, leading to drastic losses in agricultural and biological yield. This intensified poverty forces the local communities to overuse their limited natural resources, often beyond sustainable limits. This dire scenario spurs an even faster degradation of land, solidifying the alarming linkage between human deprivation and environmental degradation.

Efforts Since 2011: Community Nurseries and Tree Planting

Understanding the gravity of this situation, our tree-planting partner has been involved in robust corrective measures since 2011. Collaborating with four community nurseries in Konso and 20 community nurseries in Dimtu, we have distributed over 1.5 million trees.

This wide-scale effort aims to create sustainable livelihoods for locals by rejuvenating the biodiversity in the region and restoring the balance between human needs and environmental preservation. By planting more trees, we aim to rekindle hope and resilience among the Ethiopian communities and secure their future.

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Jeshua Cardenas

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