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Hako Machines Ltd Forest

We Plant with Hako Machines Ltd

Hako Machines Ltd - 09.07.2024

Congratulations Daniel Henson On passing your probation

50 Trees
Hako Machines Ltd - 04.06.2024

Congratulations Angela on completing your probation

50 Trees
Hako Machines Ltd - 04.06.2024

Congratulations Ross on completing your probation

50 Trees
Julie Clarson - 18.04.2024

Congatulations Julie on completing your induction into the company

50 Trees
Darren Kerr - 13.12.2023

congratulations Darren for passing your probation

50 Trees
Hako Machines Ltd - 15.02.2023

53 Trees
Darren Kerr - 13.12.2023

congratulations Darren for passing your probation

50 Trees
Hako Machines Ltd - 04.06.2024

Congratulations Ross on completing your probation

50 Trees
Hako Machines Ltd - 04.06.2024

Congratulations Angela on completing your probation

50 Trees
Hako Machines Ltd - 10.10.2023

Congratulations to Andrea Lee for joining the Hako team and passing her probation. to celebrate this we are planting 50 trees in the Hako forest in her name

50 Trees