Archives Trees

Galveston Island Tree Conservancy

Replanting Galveston Island after Hurricane Ike’s storm surge destroyed 40,000 of our Island’s trees in 2008. Our goal is to replant 25,000 and we are currently at 14,276 trees planted and/or distributed. They range in size from 5 gallon giveaway…


I will plant with my friends at S.DEKELİ MEMORİAL FOREST AT 31  May 2015.  Same they about 200 pine trees will be planted

For all of us….

We dont have enough trees never and  we have always free space for more trees. I like hiking in nature including in forest. I respect all  kind of trees from North till South! Today I planted Thuja occidentalis Golden Smaragd near to our…

Giving back to the giving Tree

I feel the more we do consciously and collectively, will fuse our energy together in a positive light and help to heal our world. It is time to give back to the Earth what we have greedily taken for years!…

Greening the Desert

I am planting trees to give back to mother Earth and to help restore our environment.  I am planting 2 fig, 2 apple, 1 nectarine, and 1 cherry tree today.