Archives Trees

seeds of beliefs

We are still growing indoor bsecause of the cold nights in Sweden, but once the outdoor temperature is warm enough, we’ll find a perfect place in the garden for the seeds and trees to grow 🙂  some of the seeds we’ve planted…

Bumble Tree

“I wanted to do something positive for my local environment; and tree planting is something I’ve always wanted to do. I’d never planted a tree before I started this project (although I’ve wanted to do so for years).”… and now…

Trees for life

I’ve planted an apple tree to help the insects and birds…  #imagineforestnation #conservelife #earthday #mastershift.

Vestereng Forest

Instead of getting an artificial tree or throwing out a mature one, we got a seedling and then planted it for Earth Day. 

Thank you Mother Earth

We plant trees, because we like a green planet, full of flowers, trees, bees and butterflies. We want to contribute to it. We love you, mother Earth!!!