Plant in Haiti
Your selection will create this much impact:
🌳 1 trees to reforest our world
🌎 0.00 Tons of CO2 absorbed yearly
🌎 0.00 Tons of O2 created yearly
🌎 0.00 Work Hours created
We accept

Grow your own Forest by planting trees in Haiti. These trees will help reforest Mother Earth and create sustainable livelihoods for local communities affected by deforestation and climate change.
Every 10 trees you plant will absorb a 1/4 ton of CO2 every year, create 1 ton of O2 every year, reforest land and create food, jobs and income for people.
Learn more about the project here.
You can see your impact on your online Forest profile and there are many more things you can do, even for free, to plant more trees!
Our goal is to plant 1 Billion trees.