14 Fun Ideas For Engaging Christmas Team Building Activities

christmas team building activities holidays

Planning holiday team building activities during the Christmas season presents a unique opportunity to foster camaraderie, boost morale, and celebrate the year’s achievements in a fun and meaningful way.

With considerations such as budget, logistical challenges of in-office or virtual events, and the need to create inclusive and engaging activities, the task can seem daunting.

This guide aims to simplify the process by providing thoughtful strategies and creative ideas that will ensure everyone feels welcome and valued. 

From understanding how to schedule the event to managing expectations and incorporating sustainable practices, we will cover all the essential elements you need to create memorable Christmas team building activities. 

Let’s explore how to bring joy and connection to your team this holiday season.

Planning Your Holiday Team Building Activities

Budget Considerations

Budget is a critical factor in planning Christmas team building activities. Recognize financial constraints to choose enjoyable and cost-effective options. Determine available funds and allocate them for venue, materials, and facilitation costs.

For virtual events, include digital platform and subscription expenses. Prioritize high-engagement activities that don’t break the bank.

Leveraging in-house resources, like having team members lead activities or creatively using company spaces, can save costs.

The goal is to create memorable experiences without financial strain. By being strategic, you can ensure a festive and inclusive event that everyone will love.

In-Office vs. Virtual Team Challenges

Choosing between in-office and virtual team building activities presents unique challenges and opportunities.

For in-office events, consider logistics such as space, catering, and materials. Physical activities can build rapport but might not suit everyone, especially those with health concerns or remote roles.

Virtual activities offer flexibility and inclusivity, removing geographical barriers and needing less logistical effort. However, they come with challenges like technical issues and maintaining engagement. Utilize user-friendly platforms and interactive activities to keep participants involved.

Ultimately, the goal is to ensure everyone feels connected and valued, whether in-office or virtual.

Creating Engaging Activities

To make your Christmas team building activities engaging, prioritize inclusivity and variety. Understand your team’s interests and preferences to select activities that resonate with them.

Mix games, creative challenges, and collaborative projects to cater to different personalities and working styles. Balance fun with meaningful interaction by promoting problem-solving, communication, and collaboration.

Provide clear instructions and ensure all materials and tools are available. Thoughtful planning will create a memorable and enjoyable experience for your team.

💡Read more: Top Work Christmas Party Ideas

Ensuring Inclusivity

Creating inclusive Christmas team-building activities is vital for ensuring everyone feels welcome and valued. Consider the diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and abilities of your team members. Focus on universal themes like togetherness and gratitude instead of specific religious elements to avoid excluding anyone. 

Offer a range of activities to suit various physical abilities and preferences, such as active and seated options. Ensure virtual activities are accessible, and all participants have the necessary technology and support.

Involving your team in the planning process by seeking their input and feedback can help you choose genuinely inclusive activities. By fostering respect and consideration, you create a festive celebration where everyone feels part of the team.

Scheduling for Everyone

Scheduling festive team building activities can be tricky due to varying schedules and time zones. Survey your team for the most convenient times using tools like Doodle polls to simplify the process.

For remote teams, consider all time zones and aim for overlapping working hours. If a perfect time isn’t feasible, host multiple sessions or record the event for those who can’t attend.

For in-office teams, account for different schedules, including part-time or shift workers, and plan events during core hours.

Flexibility is essential; offering multiple dates, times, or asynchronous activities can help. Careful planning ensures everyone can participate and enjoy the festivities.

Managing Expectations

Managing expectations is key for a successful festive team building event, especially when there’s pressure to outdo previous years.

Set realistic goals and communicate them clearly. Let everyone know the event’s purpose—whether to have fun, build relationships, or celebrate achievements.

Be transparent about budget and logistical limitations to temper unrealistic expectations.

Involve your team by seeking their input and feedback, fostering realistic and accepted outcomes.

Focus on the experience over extravagance. Emphasize connection and enjoyment rather than flashy or expensive elements.

Clear communication and realistic planning ensure a positive, memorable event for everyone.

holiday team building activities secret santa

Fun Christmas Team Building Activities

Eco-Friendly Secret Santa

Eco-Friendly Secret Santa is a fantastic way to celebrate the holidays while promoting sustainability. Instead of traditional gift exchanges, encourage team members to give eco-friendly or handmade gifts.

Set guidelines that emphasize sustainable practices, such as using recyclable wrapping paper or reusable gift bags. Gift ideas can include potted plants, homemade treats, or items made from recycled materials.

Another option is to give experiences, such as a virtual cooking class or a donation to an environmental charity in the recipient’s name. This approach not only reduces waste but also encourages thoughtful and meaningful gift-giving.

To add a fun twist, create a theme or challenge, like “upcycled gifts” or “zero-waste packaging.” This can spark creativity and make the exchange even more engaging.

Tree Decorating Competition

A Tree Decorating Competition can be a creative and engaging way to bring festive spirit to your team. Whether in-office or virtual, this activity allows team members to showcase their decorating skills and holiday cheer.

For in-office settings, provide small trees or branches and an assortment of eco-friendly decorations. Encourage participants to use sustainable or handmade items to decorate their trees.

For virtual teams, invite participants to decorate a tree at home and share photos or videos of their creations.

You can set themes such as “most sustainable tree” or “best use of recycled materials” to add an element of fun and creativity. Create a judging panel or allow team members to vote on the best-decorated tree.

Gingerbread Decorating

Gingerbread Decorating is a delightful and tasty way to celebrate the holiday season with your team. This activity allows for creativity and fun, whether in-office or virtual.

For in-office settings, provide gingerbread kits that include pre-baked pieces and a variety of eco-friendly, edible decorations. Set up stations with icing, candies, and other toppings, encouraging team members to design their gingerbread houses or cookies.

For virtual teams, send out gingerbread kits or provide a list of required ingredients and decorations beforehand. Host a virtual decorating session where team members can share their progress and finished creations via video call. 

Consider adding themes or challenges, such as “most creative design” or “best use of natural ingredients.” To make it even more engaging, organize a voting system for different categories and offer small prizes.

Xmas Photo Scavenger Hunt

An Xmas Photo Scavenger Hunt is an exciting way to get your team moving and engaged during the holiday season. This activity can be easily adapted for both in-office and virtual settings.

Create a list of festive items and scenes for participants to find and photograph, such as a decorated tree, a holiday sweater, or a homemade ornament.

For in-office teams, you can organize the hunt within the workplace or nearby areas, setting a time limit to add a competitive edge.

For virtual teams, participants can search for items around their homes or neighborhoods, sharing their photos in a designated online space, such as a Slack channel or a shared Google Drive folder.

To make it more interactive, include bonus challenges like “most creative photo” or “funniest holiday scene.”

Wrap Battles

Wrap Battles are a fun and lively way to bring some competitive spirit to your holiday team building activities. This challenge involves team members competing to wrap gifts in the most creative and aesthetically pleasing way. To add a twist, encourage the use of eco-friendly materials such as recycled paper, fabric, or reusable wrapping items like scarves or bags.

For in-office settings, provide a variety of sustainable wrapping supplies and set up wrapping stations. Split the team into small groups and give them a set amount of time to wrap their gifts.

For virtual teams, ask participants to gather their own eco-friendly wrapping materials and hold a live wrapping session over a video call.

Judging can be done by team votes or a selected panel, with categories like “most creative,” “best use of materials,” and “most festive.”

Holiday Trivia Contests

Holiday Trivia Contests are a fantastic way to test your team’s festive knowledge while fostering a fun and competitive atmosphere. Whether in-office or virtual, trivia contests can be easily organized and tailored to fit your group’s interests.

Prepare a list of holiday-themed questions covering topics such as Christmas traditions, holiday movies, songs, and historical facts.

For in-office settings, gather everyone in a common area and divide them into teams. Use a whiteboard or projector to display questions and keep score.

For virtual teams, utilize online quiz platforms like Kahoot! or Zoom’s polling feature to conduct the trivia game in real-time.

To add more excitement, include a mix of easy and challenging questions, and offer small prizes for the winning team.

Virtual Holiday Bingo

Virtual Holiday Bingo is an engaging and interactive activity that can bring your team together, regardless of their location. This classic game is easy to adapt to a festive theme, making it perfect for holiday celebrations.

Create bingo cards featuring holiday-related items or actions, such as “wearing a Santa hat,” “holiday movie quote,” or “drinking hot cocoa.” Distribute the bingo cards digitally to all participants before the event. Use a video conferencing platform like Zoom to host the game, and share your screen to call out the bingo items.

To keep it lively, incorporate fun elements like holiday music or themed backgrounds. Encourage participants to interact by showing their bingo cards on camera and celebrating their wins.

Cookie Decorating Contest

A Cookie Decorating Contest is a delightful and creative way to bring your team together during the holiday season. This activity can be enjoyed both in the office and virtually.

For in-office settings, provide pre-baked cookies and a variety of eco-friendly, edible decorations like natural food colorings, sprinkles, and icing. Set up decorating stations and allow team members to design their festive masterpieces.

For virtual teams, send out cookie decorating kits in advance or share a list of required ingredients. Host a live decorating session over a video call where everyone can showcase their skills and creativity. 

Consider adding themes or challenges, such as “most festive cookie” or “best use of natural ingredients.” Create a judging panel or let team members vote on their favorite designs.

Holiday Relay/Olympics

Holiday Relay or Olympics is an energetic and exciting way to bring some physical activity and festive fun to your team building activities.

For in-office settings, organize a series of holiday-themed relay races or Olympic-style events. These can include activities like “snowball” toss (using cotton balls), Christmas tree decorating races, or a gift-wrapping sprint. Create teams and set up different stations, ensuring safety and inclusivity for all participants.

For virtual teams, adapt the activities to be done at home, such as a scavenger hunt relay or a holiday-themed charades competition. Participants can complete tasks individually and share their progress via video call. Use digital tools to keep track of scores and create a sense of competition.

Virtual Holiday Karaoke

Virtual Holiday Karaoke is a lively and entertaining way to bring your team together and showcase their singing talents. This activity can easily be organized over a video conferencing platform like Zoom.

Create a festive playlist with popular holiday songs and encourage team members to sign up for their favorite tunes. To make it more interactive, use a karaoke app or YouTube for instrumental versions of songs, and share your screen so everyone can see the lyrics.

Encourage participants to dress in holiday-themed attire or use virtual backgrounds to add to the festive spirit.

For added fun, you can turn it into a competition with categories like “Best Performance,” “Most Creative,” and “Funniest Song.” Allow team members to vote and offer small, eco-friendly prizes for the winners.

Holiday Scavenger Hunt

A Holiday Scavenger Hunt is an exciting and interactive way to engage your team in a festive adventure.

For in-office settings, create a list of holiday-themed items for participants to find around the office or nearby areas. Items can include things like a decorated tree, a holiday card, or a specific ornament. Set a time limit to add a sense of urgency and competition.

For virtual teams, design a scavenger hunt that can be completed at home. Create a list of common household items with a holiday twist, such as a red mug, a piece of wrapping paper, or a holiday cookie.

Participants can share photos of their finds in a designated online space or during a video call.

Sustainable Craft Workshops

Sustainable Craft Workshops are an excellent way to combine creativity with eco-consciousness during the holiday season. These workshops can be conducted both in-office and virtually.

For in-office settings, provide materials such as recycled paper, natural fibers, and eco-friendly paints. Projects can include making holiday decorations, gift wrapping, or even upcycling old items into festive ornaments.

For virtual teams, send out a list of required materials or mail craft kits in advance. Host a live workshop over a video call, where an instructor can guide participants through each project step-by-step.

Encourage participants to share their progress and completed crafts by turning on their cameras or posting pictures in a shared online space.

Charity Drives and Volunteering

Charity Drives and Volunteering are impactful ways to celebrate the holiday season while giving back to the community. Organize a charity drive where team members can donate items like clothing, toys, or non-perishable food. Set up collection points in the office or arrange for a drop-off location if your team is working remotely.

Another option is to coordinate a team volunteering day. Partner with local charities or community organizations to find opportunities where your team can contribute, such as serving meals at a shelter, wrapping gifts for children, or participating in a community clean-up.

For virtual teams, consider online volunteering opportunities, like virtual mentoring or organizing a fundraising campaign. Encourage team members to share their experiences and the impact they’ve made through photos and stories.

Participating in charity drives and volunteering not only strengthens team bonds but also fosters a sense of purpose and community, making your holiday celebrations both meaningful and memorable.

Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest

An Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest is a fun and light-hearted way to bring holiday cheer to your team. Encourage team members to don their most outrageous and festive sweaters, whether they’re store-bought or homemade. This activity can be easily adapted for both in-office and virtual settings.

For in-office teams, designate a day for everyone to wear their sweaters and hold a mini fashion show. Take photos and let the team vote on categories like “Ugliest Sweater,” “Most Creative,” and “Most Festive.”

For virtual teams, organize a video call where everyone can showcase their sweaters. Use polling features or a voting app to let participants cast their votes. Enhance the fun by adding a brief storytelling segment where individuals can share the inspiration behind their sweater designs.

christmas tree kits for team building activities

Ideas for Sustainable Christmas Team Building Activities with ForestNation Gifts

ForestNation Gifts can be a great tool for engaging Christmas team building activities within organizations. Here are some ideas on how to use ForestNation Gifts to strengthen your team during the holiday season:

  • Host a Christmas-themed tree planting event where each person decorates their tree with eco-friendly ornaments and shares a favorite holiday memory. This activity promotes bonding and creates a festive shared experience.
  • Organize a team Christmas tree planting event in a local park or community garden. This not only encourages teamwork and collaboration but also gives back to the environment during the holiday season. Consider adding a fun game where teams create eco-friendly Christmas decorations to enhance the experience.
  • Send each colleague a personalized Gift Story as a Christmas present and plant trees in their honor as a gesture of appreciation for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. This thoughtful gift can boost morale and strengthen relationships within the team during the holidays.
  • Create a virtual Christmas tree naming challenge where colleagues compete to come up with the best holiday-inspired name for their trees using ForestNation’s platform. Friendly competition can encourage teamwork and engagement during the festive season.
  • Encourage colleagues to adopt green office initiatives during the holidays, such as using sustainable gift wrapping, reducing waste at Christmas parties, and recycling. ForestNation Gifts can be given as incentives for those who actively participate, promoting eco-friendly practices and team bonding.
  • Plan a Christmas team building retreat in a natural setting like a snowy forest or winter park. Activities such as holiday-themed hiking, Christmas tree planting, and festive forest meditation can help associates bond and build stronger connections. ForestNation Gifts given as souvenirs will commemorate the holiday experience.

ForestNation Gifts offer a unique and eco-friendly way to promote teamwork, collaboration, and environmental consciousness within your organization during the Christmas season. By incorporating these gifts into your holiday team building strategies, you can create memorable experiences that align with the spirit of Christmas and strengthen your team.

Wrapping Up

Planning festive team building activities can seem daunting, but with careful consideration and creative ideas, you can create memorable experiences that everyone will love.

Remember to prioritize inclusivity, engagement, and sustainability throughout the planning process. By fostering a sense of togetherness and holiday cheer, you’ll strengthen team bonds and end the year on a high note.

As you embark on your holiday team building journey, keep in mind that the most successful activities are those that align with your team’s interests and values. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and put a unique spin on traditional holiday celebrations.

With thoughtful planning and a focus on creating meaningful experiences, your festive team building activities will be the highlight of the season.

So, gather your team, embrace the holiday spirit, and let the festive fun begin!

Here’s to a joyous and memorable holiday season filled with laughter, connection, and unforgettable team building moments.

💡Read more: 20 Eco-Friendly Christmas Gift Ideas for Employees


The Snowflake Team Building Activity is a creative exercise designed to highlight the uniqueness of each individual within a team. Here’s how it typically works:
Materials Needed: Each participant is given a piece of paper and a pair of scissors.
Instructions: Participants are instructed to fold their paper and cut out a snowflake pattern without seeing each other’s work.
Unfolding: Once everyone has finished, the participants unfold their snowflakes.
Discussion: The team then shares their snowflakes with each other. This activity usually leads to a discussion about individuality and diversity, emphasizing that while all snowflakes (and colleagues) are made from the same basic materials (or work in the same team), each one is unique in its design.
The goal of the Snowflake teamwork exercises is to foster appreciation for each person’s unique contributions and to encourage creativity and collaboration within the team.

The Memory Wall Team Building Activity is placed prominently on a list of holiday team building strategies for work. It is designed to strengthen team bonds by sharing and reflecting on shared experiences. Here’s a typical outline of how it is conducted:
Materials Needed: Large sheets of paper or a whiteboard, markers, sticky notes, or index cards.
Setup: A large sheet of paper is placed on a wall, divided into sections, or a whiteboard is used for listing holiday team bonding ideas for work.
Sharing Memories: Colleagues are invited to write down memorable moments they’ve shared with the team on sticky notes or index cards, a great start for a list of team bonding ideas for work. These moments can be positive achievements, fun events, or meaningful interactions.
Creating the Wall: The written memories are then placed on the wall, creating a visual representation of the team’s shared experiences.
Discussion: The team reviews the Memory Wall together, discussing the memories, why they are significant, and how they have impacted the team, a moment reflecting the essence of team bonding ideas.
The Memory Wall Team Building Activity aims to reinforce a sense of community and shared history, helping colleagues to appreciate t

A: Some fun and jolly holiday teamwork exercises for work include holiday movie screenings, a holiday decorating contest, making a video Christmas card, and hosting a virtual Christmas party.

A: Holiday teamwork exercises can boost team morale by providing a break from work, promoting team bonding, fostering a sense of camaraderie, and injecting some extra fun and joy into the workplace, such as engaging in the best holiday group engagement exercises.

A: Popular holiday party themes for team building events include ugly sweater parties, holiday movie nights, potlucks, secret Santa gift exchanges, and virtual scavenger hunts.

A: Companies should consider incorporating holiday team work exercises into their work schedule to boost employee morale, improve team communication and collaboration, create a positive work environment, and show appreciation for their team’s hard work.

A: Virtual bonding activities can help teams celebrate the holiday season by providing a way to connect with remote co-workers, participate in fun activities together, and maintain a sense of camaraderie despite being physically apart.

A: The purpose of holiday collaborative strengthening tasks in the workplace is to encourage teamwork, boost employee engagement, foster relationships among co-workers, and create a festive and inclusive work environment during the holiday season.

A: Companies can get their teams to join forces for holiday activities by organizing virtual events, sending out invites for in-person gatherings, planning jolly team-building games, incorporating holiday music and treats, and encouraging colleagues to participate in the celebrations.

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