Earth Day Ideas: Go Green With The Climate Action Growth Guide

Did you know that over 1 billion people participate in Earth Day events each year? That’s a mind-blowing number! Earth Day, celebrated annually on April 22, has become the world’s largest environmental movement since it first began in 1970. 

Next year marks the 55th anniversary of this global phenomenon. The theme for 2025 is #OurPowerOurPlanet, with a bold goal of tripling worldwide renewable energy use by 2030.

This guide will equip you with the tools and inspiration you need to make next Earth Day your most impactful yet. Let’s dive in and explore how we can all step up our climate action game this Earth Day and beyond.

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Why Build a Green Brand This Earth Day?

Earth Day provides the perfect opportunity to showcase your brand’s green initiatives and connect with eco-conscious consumers.

But just making a post on social media won’t cut it anymore. Don’t be afraid to get creative and think outside the box – check out ideas from our playbook below.

Growth Toolkit To Maximize Engagement Opportunities

It’s time to think beyond the typical one-day celebration and embrace innovative strategies that will help your brand be remembered as a guardian of the planet.

Tree Kits

Gift Tree Kits to encourage your community to give back to Mother Earth with you. Matching trees are planted in your Forest for every tree you gift!

Recipients can name their trees and share their growing journey through Tree Posts, planting even more trees in the process.

All of these stories and updates are showcased on your branded Forest Profile. Here they can track their collective impact and and plant even more trees. 

Gift Stories

Send personalized Earth Day greetings to anywhere in the world with videos, voiceovers, messages etc.

Happy Earth Day Greetings With Impact

Real trees are planted for the recipient which they can see in their Forest profile. Your Forest will show your collective impact.

Forest Profiles

Use your Forest Profile to motivate your community to plant with you. People can leave a message for you when they plant.

brondell forest snapshot

The trees are planted in Tanzania sequestering carbon and creative sustainable livelihoods for local communities.

WePlant Badge

The WePlant Badge puts your impact on your website and let’s your visitors know you’ve planted.

Gift trees to your customers on your website for any action you like during Earth Day. Our point system counts your trees and calculates your impact.

Quiz Challenges

Earth Day is the perfect opportunity for you to educate your community about your sustainability initiatives. But how do you make sure people engage with this content?

With Quiz Challenges, gamify your Earth Day communications and create real positive impact with your team and customers.

Invite them to play quizzes based on visual content about your initiatives. Reward them with trees planted in your Forest!

Earth Day Campaigns We Love

These brands aced their ED campaigns with thoughtful tree gifts.


RocketReach gifted Tree Kits to all their employees for Earth Day. Here’s the team celebrating the occasion 🙂

rocketreach team earth day with tree kits

They even created a Slack channel to share the names of their trees and progress photos of planting them. 


Sendoso gifted our stock design ‘Happy Earth Day’ tree kits to all their vendors and influencer partners for Earth Day.

sendoso earth day tree kits campaign linkedin post

They encouraged partners to share videos on social media while planting their trees. They created quite a buzz on LinkedIn through this campaign.

Malibu Farm

Malibu Farm, a sustainable eatery in California, gave away Tree Kits to their customers on their Earth Day event.

malibu farm ed linkedin post

Kudos to Malibu Farm for leading the sustainability movement in the hospitality industry.


Brondell gifts Tree Kits for every order throughout April. In 3 years since this campaign started, they’ve planted 4900+ trees in their Forest.

brondell tree post

They created buzz for this campaign through videos and photos of their Tree Kits.

Albert Corporation

Albert gifted Tree Kits to their employees to grow for Earth Day.

They encouraged their team to get creative with their tree posts, promising more rewards for the best posts. The results were impressive!


Logitech created a custom Earth Day Quiz Challenge to educate their remote staff about their sustainability initiatives.

logitech forestplay challenge

They rewarded people who answered correctly by planting trees in their Forest! Employees around the world played the challenge online on Earth Day.

For You

Looking after our home is our common goal for all our sisters and brothers around the world. It connects us to Mother Nature and connects us all to each other.

“It’s an old Native American tradition that when you take something from the Earth you must put something back. International Mother Earth Day is a global give back event, as an offering for all that M.E. gives us.”

Pledge To Plant A Tree

A simple way to give back is to grow something out of love and plant it in the ground, or keep it in a pot at home. You can get your seedlings, plants or seeds locally or ask us to help you.

Plant something that is organic, perennial and suitable to the growing conditions in your area. If the temperature is not conducive to planting outside, just start growing indoors or commit to planting once the outdoor temperature is warm enough. If you live in an apartment, plant something in a pot or donate your tree to a garden in your area.

Make Your Pledge >

Play The Earth Day Quiz

Another fun way to get involved is by testing your knowledge with our Earth Day quiz.

There are lots more quizzes you can play as well to learn about the wonders of our planet in a fun way.

For every 3 quizzes answered correctly, we plant a tree in your Forest. 

Gift Trees To Friends and Family

Choose from premade Tree Kits from our shop to gift loved ones.

These are our favorite designs:

  • Guardians Activity Kit Pack For Kids
  • Happy Earth Day
  • You Plant We Plant
Earth Day Tree Kits 2023

You can also send Gift Stories to your loved ones and gift them a Forest for Earth Day!

More About Earth Day

Here’s all you need to know about Earth Day.

When Is Earth Day?

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22nd, bringing together millions of people all over the world to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Since its inception in 1970, it has grown into a massive movement, mobilizing individuals, communities, and organizations to take action for our planet.

Why April 22?

April 22nd falls between spring break and final exams for most college students, maximizing the potential for student participation. The date also avoids conflicts with major religious holidays such as Easter and Passover, while providing a higher likelihood of pleasant weather for outdoor events and programs.

55th Anniversary of Earth Day Festivals To Unite People

Next year marks a significant milestone – the 55th anniversary of Earth Day.

The movement has grown exponentially since the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970. Today, over one billion people participate in Earth Day activities, making it the largest secular observance in the world.

As we approach this momentous anniversary, it’s an opportunity to reflect on the progress made, the challenges that remain, and the urgent need for continued action to protect the planet.

What is Earth Week and Earth Month?

While Earth Day is celebrated on April 22, many communities and organizations extend the observance to encompass Earth Week or even Earth Month.

Earth Week typically refers to the week surrounding Earth Day, often featuring a series of events, educational programs, and community service projects designed to raise awareness and inspire action.

Earth Month, as the name suggests, dedicates the entire month of April to environmental causes. This expanded celebration allows for more extensive programming, such as sustainability challenges, eco-fairs, and large-scale clean-up efforts.

By extending the observance, participants have more opportunities to engage, learn, and make a lasting impact.

What Is The Theme Of Earth Day 2025?

The official theme for Earth Day next year is Our Power, Our Planet with the hashtag #RenewableEnergyNow. This theme focuses on uniting people behind renewable energy, with the ambitious goal of tripling the global generation of clean electricity by 2030.

The theme urges everyone to explore smart energy choices and advocate for an expedited deployment of renewables from governments, industries, and businesses.

What Was The Theme in 2024?

In 2024, the Earth Day theme was “Planet vs. Plastics,” highlighting the urgent need to address plastic pollution.

The theme encouraged individuals, businesses, and governments to take action to reduce plastic consumption, improve recycling efforts, and support the transition to more sustainable alternatives.

Why Renewable Energy?

Renewable energy is a timely and impactful focus for Earth Day next year. Transitioning to clean energy sources is critical in the fight against climate change and the pursuit of a sustainable future. 

Switching to renewables represents a humanitarian revolution, providing a path to virtually unlimited, low-cost energy for everyone and improving lives around the world.

It can help the 3.8 billion people currently under the Modern Energy Minimum (1,000 kWh per capita) reach that threshold and mitigate poverty, while also improving health outcomes by cutting emissions that cause climate change impacts and air pollution illnesses.

Environmental Issues Plaguing Mother Earth

As we celebrate Earth Day, it’s crucial to understand the various environmental challenges our planet faces.

Plastic Production

The world’s reliance on plastic has led to a staggering increase in production, with over 460 million metric tons produced annually. Much of this plastic ends up in the environment, polluting ecosystems and harming wildlife – often unseen as microplastics.

Single-use products, such as bottles, bags, and straws, are particularly problematic, as they are used briefly but persist in the environment for centuries.

Addressing this crisis requires a multi-faceted approach, including reducing consumption, improving recycling infrastructure, and transitioning to more sustainable materials.

Oil Spills

Oil spills have devastating consequences for marine ecosystems, coastal communities, and wildlife. These disasters can occur during extraction, transportation, or storage of oil, and their impacts can linger for years. 

Preventing oil spills requires stricter regulations, improved safety measures, and a shift towards cleaner energy sources.

Endangered Species

Earth’s biodiversity is under threat, with countless species facing extinction due to habitat loss, climate change, poaching, and other human activities. Recent studies suggest that wildlife populations have declined by nearly 70% in the last 50 years.

Protecting endangered species and their habitats is crucial for maintaining the delicate balance of ecosystems and ensuring a thriving planet for future generations. This requires a combination of conservation efforts, sustainable land management practices, and public education.

Other Environmental Challenges

In addition to the issues highlighted above, our planet faces a multitude of other environmental challenges, including:

  • Deforestation
  • Air and water pollution
  • Soil degradation and erosion
  • Coral bleaching
  • Melting polar ice caps

Addressing these complex and interconnected issues demands a comprehensive, global approach that engages individuals, communities, businesses, and governments in the pursuit of a sustainable future.

Over To You

As we look ahead to Earth Day and beyond, it’s clear that the time for action is now. By raising awareness, inspiring change, and working together, we can confront these environmental challenges head-on and build a brighter, greener future for all. 

Our collective acts of green can significantly reduce our carbon footprint and bring environmental justice to millions of people across the world from low-income communities who call for climate action.


The Canopy Project, an initiative by the Earth Day Network, aims to combat deforestation. You can participate by planting trees in your local area, donating to support tree-planting efforts in the global south, or organizing community tree-planting events. Visit for more information on how to get involved.

Civic education is crucial for Earth Day, as it helps raise awareness about environmental issues and empowers individuals to take environmental action. The Earth Day Network (EDN) and its partner organizations are focusing on providing resources for climate education and environmental advocacy, encouraging people to become informed and engaged citizens.

The Great Global Earth Cleanup is an ongoing initiative by EDN. For Earth Day, you can participate by organizing or joining local cleanup events, pledging to reduce your plastic waste, or supporting efforts to end plastic pollution. Check the official Earth Day website for cleanup events in your area or guidelines on how to start your own.

Schools and educational institutions can play a vital role in Earth Day by incorporating environmental and climate education into their curricula. They can organize Earth Day events, participate in the Great Global Cleanup, invite environmental speakers, or collaborate with local environmental organizations. offers resources and toolkits for educators to help engage students in environmental advocacy.

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