
Rosemary Facts


Rosemary Facts History Native to the Mediterranean coast, Rosemary gets its name form the Latin words “ros” (dew) and “marinus” (sea). It grows as an evergreen bush with needle-like leaves, and can reach up to 6 feet in height. During…

Dill Facts


Dill Facts History Dill has a rich history: it was extensively used by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. Ancient Greeks used the herb for the production of perfumes. Greeks who won athletic competitions were given a dill wreath as…

Basil Facts


Basil Facts History Basil is a beautiful herb that brings Italian dishes like pasta and pizza to life. In Italian culture, it is viewed as a sign of love and devotion between young couples. It is said that when a…

October Is Healthy Lung Month


October Is Healthy Lung Month Breathing is an essential part of our existence, yet most of us take it for granted. Unless you meditate on a regular basis, I bet you rarely even think about breathing. Since October is Healthy…

Unlock your nurturing instincts


Unlock your nurturing instincts One of the first steps towards making a positive impact on the planet is unlocking our nurturing instincts. Each of us possesses this capacity, although some may have silenced it more than others. Bringing that nurturing…