Practice Joy, Plant Trees and Shake off Lockdown

Swadesh Padhi
suco online

These sessions have been proven to stimulate a deep state of joy in just minutes. Through a combination of breathwork, dance meditation and electronic music, you’ll experience a noticeable shift in consciousness.

All you need to do to join is:

  • Connect to wireless headphones or a speaker. Try to give yourself the best sound quality you can.
  • Clear a little space in your home so that you can move freely.
  • Click on their Instagram live story and get ready to practice joy.

Here’s a link to one of the SUCO Sessions from May. They’ve been doing these for free throughout the quarantine period, encouraging their community to plant 4000 trees so far in their forest in Tanzania
suco trees tanzania nursery

Thanks for bringing so much light to everyone during these unsettling times. keep shining x

The kindness of your practices is infinite ! Love the energy ! Keep connecting us please!

Let’s dance and get more trees planted 🙂

Swadesh Padhi
Encouraging the ForestNation community to plant more trees and give back to Mother Earth!

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