Why Sustainable Event Freebies Attract Higher Quality Leads

sustainable event freebies more leads

As an event marketer, you know the challenge of finding the perfect freebie to attract high-quality leads. You want something that grabs attention, aligns with your brand values, and leaves a lasting impression on attendees. But let’s face it – traditional event swag often ends up in the trash or forgotten in a drawer, failing to deliver the ROI and engagement you’re looking for.

Enter sustainable event freebies. By choosing eco-friendly giveaways that align with the growing demand for sustainable products, you can reduce waste and attract a more engaged, values-driven audience.

Imagine a gift that attendees actually keep and use long after the event ends, one that sparks conversations and social media shares about your brand’s commitment to sustainability.

80% of event pros say their organizations take sustainability into account when planning events. 76% have a defined strategy for sustainable events.

AMEX Study 2023

Get ready to rethink your approach to event swag and discover how going green can help you boost engagement, generate buzz, and build lasting connections with your target audience.

🎁 Ditch forgettable gifts and switch to sustainable alternatives loved by companies like Salesforce. Learn more here >

The Problem With Event Freebies Today

Traditional event gifts have some major issues:

Attracts People Who Just Want Free Stuff

We’ve all seen them – the attendees who make a beeline for the swag table, grabbing everything in sight without even glancing at your booth. 😒 These folks aren’t interested in your brand; they just want something for free. Not exactly the high-quality leads you’re after, right?

kid running away with event freebie meme

The truth is, when you offer generic, low-quality gifts, you’re more likely to attract people who are just in it for the free stuff. They’ll take your branded pen or stress ball, but they won’t remember your company name or what you do. It’s a wasted opportunity to spark a real connection with potential customers.

People Know They’re Being Sold To

Most people can spot a marketing ploy from a mile away. When you hand them a branded stress ball or keychain, they know you’re trying to sell them something. It feels inauthentic and can actually turn people off from engaging with your brand.

Think about it – when was the last time you got excited about receiving a cheap, promotional item? Chances are, you probably tossed it in a drawer and forgot about it almost immediately. That’s because people don’t want to feel like they’re being sold to; they want to feel like they’re being valued and appreciated.

Majority Of Event Attendees Want Sustainable Gifts Instead

67% of Americans and 70% of Europeans strongly agree/agree that sustainability is important for swag senders to consider.

Sendoso Swag Survey 2024

People want gifts that align with their values and make a positive impact on the planet. 🌍 By offering sustainable options, you’re showing that your brand gets it and cares about the same things they do.

This preference for sustainable gifts isn’t just a passing trend – it’s a reflection of the growing importance of environmental responsibility in the minds of consumers. People are increasingly looking to support brands that prioritize sustainability and take steps to reduce their ecological footprint.

By offering eco-friendly giveaways, you’re not just meeting attendees’ expectations – you’re exceeding them and setting yourself apart from the competition.

How To Fix Your Event Gifting Strategy With ForestNation

Alright, so how can you revamp your event gifting game and start attracting those high-quality leads? 🤔 

Customizable Tree Kits

Instead of handing out yet another branded pen, give attendees something they’ll actually remember and cherish – a Tree Kit! It contains everything they need to grow their own little tree at home. It’s an interactive, hands-on experience that creates a lasting connection between the attendee and your brand.

lakeshore learning tree kit branding example

The impact doesn’t stop with the attendee’s own tree. For every kit purchased, we plant a matching tree with communities in Tanzania, doubling the environmental benefit.

Recipients can even see their impact on your brand’s Forest profile, name their trees, and post updates to further engage with your company. These tree posts create valuable user-generated content and give you another reason to follow up and nurture your leads.

tree post example event freebies

What’s great about Tree Kits is that they help remove the guard people put up against salespeople and marketers. By offering a gift that aligns with their values and contributes to a greater cause, you’re making a real human connection based on shared principles. The “You Plant, We Plant” message communicates a sense of partnership and collaboration. It’s like saying “hey, let’s do something good together!” 💚

🌳 Learn more about Tree Kits and get a proposal for your next event giveaway >

Personalized Gift Stories

Another powerful way to use tree gifts is through our Gift Stories feature. When an attendee fills out a form with their contact info, you can trigger a Gift Story sent directly to their email.

digital event freebies gift stories plant trees example

This interactive, visually engaging message communicates the impact they’re creating by supporting your brand and planting trees.

Gift Stories provide a memorable touchpoint that keeps your brand top-of-mind and reinforces the positive feelings associated with your brand. 

They’re a great way to start a conversation and build a relationship with your leads beyond the initial event.

Quizzes That Plant Trees

Quizzes are another effective way to educate event attendees about your offerings or sustainability initiatives while incentivizing engagement with tree planting. Create a fun, informative quiz that attendees can take at your booth or online, and reward participants with trees planted on their behalf.

forest quiz challenge example crowdstrike

This gamification element not only makes learning about your brand more enjoyable but also ties in that feel-good factor of contributing to reforestation efforts. Quizzes can also help you gather valuable data on your leads’ interests and preferences, allowing for more targeted follow-up after the event.

Brands Who’re Crushing It With Tree Gifts

Plenty of big-name brands are already seeing the benefits of gifting trees at their events. Here are our favorite examples:

Lakeshore Learning

Lakeshore Learning, a leading developer of educational products, gave away tree kits at their annual conference, with a special twist – each kit included a space for recipients to name their tree.

lakeshore learning tree kit example

This small but mighty detail created a ton of engagement, with many attendees eagerly naming their trees and sharing updates of their trees. 

By making it more personal and interactive, Lakeshore Learning created a stronger connection with their leads.


Salesforce has been using Tree Kits as part of their event swag pack for years, including at their massive Dreamforce conference. They even created a special themed booth designed with lush foliage to attract attendees and showcase their commitment to sustainability.

salesforce event booth freebie

The response has been incredible, with countless recipients naming their trees and sharing photos to further engage with the brand.

HAKO Machines

HAKO Machines, a leading manufacturer in Europe, wanted a memorable way to communicate its sustainability initiatives at trade shows.

hako event freebie example

By displaying Tree Kits at their booth and offering them as giveaways, they were able to spark meaningful conversations about their sustainability mission and attract leads who shared those values.

Gift Ideas For Virtual Events

With the shift towards online events, many of our clients have been exploring ways to include tree gifting into their strategies.

Here are a couple of examples of how brands have successfully adapted tree gifts for the digital space:

SAP Concur

For their virtual conference, SAP Concur pledged to plant trees for every attendee who visited their online booth.

hako event freebie example

They also hosted a series of sustainability-themed quizzes throughout the event, rewarding participants with even more trees planted on their behalf.

This approach boosted engagement and reinforced their commitment to environmental responsibility.


During their online events, Oracle ran polls to gather attendee feedback and insights. As an incentive for participation, they planted trees for every attendee who completed a poll.

This simple but effective strategy showed that Oracle valued their audience’s input while also making a positive impact on the planet.

Ready To Boost ROI Of Your Next Event?

We hope this post has shown you why sustainable event freebies are the way to go if you want to attract high-quality leads. 

So next time you’re planning your event swag, ditch the cheap plastic trinkets and go green with tree gifts. Your leads (and Mother Earth) will thank you! 💚🌍


Instead of offering the usual swag items like notebooks or mugs, choose sustainable alternatives like tree kits or plant trees with your gift to make it a memorable and eco-friendly giveaway. Tree kits are a great way to engage attendees and create a lasting connection with your brand while making a positive impact on the environment.

To make your event gifts stand out, think outside the box and choose items that align with your brand values and resonate with your target audience. Sustainable gifts like tree kits or plantable seed paper are unique, memorable, and show that your company cares about the environment. Plus, they offer attendees a fun and interactive experience that goes beyond the typical conference swag.

While traditional trade show giveaways like pens or stress balls are affordable, they often end up in the trash. Instead, opt for practical and sustainable items that people will actually use and appreciate, such as reusable tote bags, water bottles, or tree kits. These giveaways not only offer value to attendees but also help improve your brand image and showcase your commitment to sustainability.

To entice attendees with your giveaways, choose items that are unique, useful, and aligned with their values. Sustainable gifts like tree kits or plantable seed paper are a great way to attract eco-conscious attendees and start meaningful conversations about your brand’s environmental initiatives. You can also offer tree planting in exchange for attendees’ contact info, creating a win-win situation that benefits both your business and the planet.

Just because your event is virtual doesn’t mean you have to skimp on the giveaways! Consider sending attendees a special code to redeem a tree kit online, or host a virtual tree planting party where they can watch their trees being planted in real-time. You can also create a swag box filled with sustainable goodies and ship it directly to attendees’ homes, adding a personal touch to the virtual event experience.

To create lasting connections with attendees through your conference swag, choose giveaways that offer ongoing engagement and value. Tree kits are a perfect example – not only do they provide a fun planting experience during the event, but they also give attendees a reason to stay connected with your brand as they nurture and grow their trees over time. You can even send personalized gift stories to keep them updated on the impact of their tree and your company’s sustainability efforts.

If you’re looking for eco-friendly alternatives to traditional promotional giveaways, consider items made from sustainable materials like organic cotton, bamboo, or recycled plastics. However, to truly make a positive impact, opt for giveaways that actively contribute to environmental causes, such as tree kits or planting trees in honor of your attendees. These giveaways not only reduce waste but also help combat climate change and support reforestation efforts.

There are several ways to incorporate tree planting into your event gifting strategy. You can offer tree kits as a physical giveaway item, allowing attendees to grow their own tree and create a lasting connection with your brand. Alternatively, you can plant trees on behalf of attendees who provide their contact information or complete a specific action, such as filling out a survey or visiting your virtual booth. This approach not only incentivizes engagement but also demonstrates your company’s commitment to sustainability.

When choosing the perfect gift for conference attendees, consider items that are practical, memorable, and aligned with your brand values. Sustainable gifts like tree kits check all these boxes – they’re useful, unique, and demonstrate your company’s commitment to the environment. Additionally, make sure to choose giveaways that are easy to transport and use, as attendees often have limited luggage space and appreciate items they can easily incorporate into their daily lives.

To measure the success of your event gifts, track key metrics such as booth traffic, leads generated, social media mentions, and post-event survey feedback. If you’re offering tree kits or planting trees as part of your giveaway strategy, you can also monitor the number of trees planted and the environmental impact of your initiative. By analyzing this data, you can gauge the effectiveness of your giveaways in attracting high-quality leads and building lasting connections with attendees.

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