Welcome to RY Citizen Tramily Forest

Plant with us

We are a group of socially-minded digital nomads who live and work while traveling the globe. Our travel group consists of people from a variety of fields. We all started traveling in pods or groups that spent one month at a time in each country. Many of us have continued to travel or live outside our native countries.

RY Citizen Tramily team

In each country, we participated in local volunteer or fundraising efforts. In Thailand, we helped a women’s shelter. In Peru, we built homes. We participate in an annual run for charity where all miles for the entire group around the world run for two hours to raise money for charities. We have a plastic-free club and a variety of others.

Cameron Trey Feed

We are looking to make up for the carbon effects of our constant travel, usually by plane. The average yearly group trip is 11 tons per person of carbon created. Our goal is to plant-based on our individual itineraries.

Our goal is to plant 10k trees by December 2021.

Spread the Love

The goal for our forest is to plant 10000 trees before the end of the year to beat the rainy season to give the trees the best chance for survival. These will be 70% native fruit bearing trees that will be distributed directly back to the community for food security in the spring.

A huge part of the project in Haiti is educating the young generation about the importance of trees and forests on their lands. Sadly mass deforestation means that many of these children have never seen what the native land around them should look like.

The nursery employees local villagers to manage the seedlings planting and care.

The program is designed to help empower women in this community by ensuring that 50% or more of the workforce is women-led and managed.

In Haiti we are re-establishing a culture of tree planting with local communities and farmers. Making landowners self-sufficient through agroforestry and educating people about reforestation benefits.

Learn more about this project >

Hunter Pine - 24.12.2020

I want to climb them all.

100 Trees