Breathe Deeply During Clean Air Month

Clean Air Month

Breathe Deeply During Clean Air Month

With efforts across the globe, fighting air pollution should be a winning battle by now. A recent study by the WHO, however, reports that polluted air is still a health issue. It’s now Clean Air Month, which focuses on healthy breathing both inside and outside the home. Learn more about potential hazards in a typical neighborhood and how to remain healthy despite their presence.

Which Substances Pollute the Air?

  1. Smog

Smog is a mixture of different particulates in a given region. Gasoline-powered cars, factories and other sources produce smog at an astonishing rate. Urban areas have high concentrations that can irritate some people.

Advocating for cleaner air might start with the local government. Regulations among the factories may be necessary. Residents might consider a move to a more rural area. Wide-open spaces have fewer particulates, which equates to cleaner air than urban neighborhoods.

  1. Asbestos

Asbestos is a material that’s found naturally in nature, but it was also a heat-resistant substance used in the construction industry for years. Tiny, asbestos fibers lodge themselves into the lungs. Over time, they create cancer tumors that are difficult to fight.

Being aware of any asbestos in the neighborhood is the best way to fight off exposure. Local governments should remove any natural deposits if found.

  1. Mold

Mold serves a noble purpose by breaking down organic matter in nature, but it can be hazardous to people. Breathing in the spores can sicken some people, especially when the air doesn’t circulate in a confined area.

Keeping the home free of mold is the best way to protect residents. Clear out plumbing problems and repair leaks. Mold grows where moisture is plentiful.

  1. Construction Materials

Materials used to outfit a home can cause unclean air. Paint, drywall and other materials give off fumes after being installed. Residents should air out the home after its construction or remodel. Coughing and itchy eyes are common complaints from fumes being trapped inside a building. Allowing them to air out improves the home’s comfort level.

  1. Radon

Radon is a silent pollutant that’s also found in nature. It has no scent and typically rises into structures built on top of the substance. Breathing in the fumes over several years can lead to serious, health ailments. Local, radon testing is the solution to this dilemma. Residents will know right away if there’s an issue with the air around their home.

  1. Smoke

Smoke in any form is harmful to the lungs. Forest fires and secondhand smoke are common issues in almost any region. Ideally, refrain from smoking cigarettes. Use the home’s air conditioning if a smoky day arises from fires nearby. Many toxic substances reside in smoke that can lead to cancer and other ailments.

  1. Working With Nature

Use the power of plants to clean both indoor and outdoor air spaces. Indoor plants transpire or breathe so that they can take in carbon dioxide and expel oxygen. Toxins in the air are also filtered through the plants and into their soil. The air is cleaner to breathe as residents go about their day.

Consider a unique gift from ForestNation by purchasing a tree kit. Grow a tree from a seed, and the company matches that effort. With more trees in the world, the atmosphere can have a healthier mixture of air.

Be aware of the surroundings every day, especially when it comes to pollution levels. Clean Air Month is a great time to be self-aware, from shutting off an idling car to skipping a fire in the fireplace. When every person makes an effort to keep the skies clear, the air can progressively improve.

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I’m Andrew and I understand the struggle of nurturing relationships and business. That’s why I founded ForestNation, so awesome people like you can thrive. My passion for connecting people together and to our planet is what drives me.

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